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He wasn't dead. He couldn't be dead.

I heard nothing , but the washed out sound of Billy yelling and running, towards Joey.

His red blood on the concrete steps, and his lifeless body laying there. I ran as quickly as I could to Joey passing Billy. I abruptly grabbed his hand, It was lifeless, but still warm. He wasn't breathing, and I don't think he ever would be again.

"No, please no" I cried, my throat rough from crying. I hugged his lifeless body, crying on his chest, and I just wanted him to hug me, but he never would again. He was dead, and I couldn't save him anymore, it was already too late. He was already being ripped from my grasp, and pulled into the school.

"No!" I screamed, my eyes filled with tears. "No! you can't take him from me!" I screamed in a cracked voice. I started running towards the steps, after Joey, I felt Billy wrap his arms around me, stopping me from running after Joey.

"No!" I screamed thrashing around trying to get out of Billy's grip. "Let go of me!" I screamed. Billy turned me around, and hugged me tightly, and I buried my head in his chest, in pain. I pulled away, and suddenly everything was spinning. Then Everything was black.


I woke up screaming and crying. Everyone jumped up and stared at me. I saw Joey, looking at me concerned. I abruptly wrapped my arms around his torso, and wouldn't let go, crying into his shirtless chest.

"Shhh" he cooed, one hand tracing circles on my back, the other soothingly petting my head, running his lanky fingers through my hair. He continued his coo, and left pecked kisses on my neck. I kissed his lips, and he was taken back. I snuggled into his chest and began to stop crying.

He died. I couldn't let him die. I couldn't! I needed him. He couldn't die.

"Nyla, Everyone is staring at you" He whispered in my ear, looking at all the other boys. I looked at him with tear filled eyes, and turned my head to look at everyone else.

I hiccuped and wiped the tears from under my eyes. Billy, Richardo, and Hank were looking at me with sincere worry. Snuffy, Ted, and Yogurt were more confused on what had just happened.

"Do you want to talk about it?" hank asked me.

"Not really" I spoke.

"Okay you heard the girls go back to bed" Hank shooed. Him, Snuffy, Ted, and Yogurt, going back to bed.

"Hey, you'll be okay" Ricardo said, before standing up, and going back to where he was sleeping.

"I'm fine" I said to Billy, as he stared at me.

"No, your not."

"What was it Nyla?" Joey asked, in a soft voice brushing my hair behind my ear.

"It was a dream right?" Billy asked, I nodded.

"What happened baby?" Joey asked me. I started to tear up again.

"You got shot" I said looking Joey in the eye. "And you died" I finished. Joey eyes filled with terror.

"Well he's here isn't he?" Billy asked.

"Yeah" I mumbled.

"And I'm not going anywhere baby" Joey cooed.

"Try to get some sleep" Billy said. He got up and walked over to the light switch and turned off the lights.

"I'm not going anywhere" Joey repeated, as I hugged his torso. "I'll be right here, as long as you need me"

"I'll always need you" I whispered. "I love you"

I kissed him on the lips, he kissed back, smiling.

"I love you, too" he breathed. "Now go to bed" he whispered. I nodded snuggling my head into the crook of joeys neck. I started to fall asleep to him tracing circles on my back. He was so warm, so... So protective. I loved him so much, and I didn't want to lose him.

I couldn't help but leave baby kisses on his collar bone. He sleepily groaned and looked down at me. He had his hand on my waist but reached down brushing my upper thigh with his slim fingers. Then he traced his fingers all the way up my side to my face where he pushed a piece of hair behind my ear, and hugged my waist. Our legs became entangled as we got as close as possible. Body against body. And this time I actually did fall asleep.


For some reason everyone thought it was okay to put some of my make up on Joey, while he was sleeping, which was sooo funny by the way. Joey was pisses though.

"Joey you look so pretty" snuffy jokes.

"I'm gonna kill you, you son of a Bitch" Joey said to snuffy.

"Woah woah woah, what did I say about beating up snuffy?" I asked.

"That's he's a sarcastic helpless child, and not to beat him up." Joey groaned At me. I smiled.


"How do I get this makeup off " he pouted.

"I know how to get the lipstick off" I smirked and then I started to kiss him.

"Eww, get a room" Hank said. Joey rolled his eyes and put his hand on my face, without breaking the kiss.

"Guys hate to break you mating session, but we gotta go" Billy said pointing at the clock.

"Get this stuff off of me" Joey said. I found my makeup wipe pack and pulled out a wipe and handed it to him, and he got all the make up off.

Then we went to the cafeteria. It was time for the plan.


Oooooo I updated! Yayyyy! It was kind of just fluff and yeah, I was just bored and you guys wanted an update so here ya go. :D

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