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[Song of the Chapter: Tied Up- Casey Veggies]

[*smut alert* this isn't exactly extremely sexual smut but if stuff makes you uncomfortable I wouldn't read the first part of this chapter sooooo yeah]

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm fine" Joey yelled.

"No your not, your tense" I said tracing my finger down his arm. I stood on my tippy toes, put my arms around his neck and kissed him. He instantly relaxed.

"Better?" I asked.

"Better" he said. He leaned down cupped my face and kissed me again. "Can you make it better"

"Joey..." I trailed off.

"What my dad lives alone..." He said to me, kissing my jawline after his words.

"Joey!" I said.

"What?" He asked kissing my jaw again, wrapping his arms around me.

"Are you sure no one is here?" I asked.

"Positive" he said gazing into my eyes after this time.

"I... Wanna show you something" Joey said pulling me upstairs. He pulled me into a room, and turned on a lamp. "This was my room, and now it's ours" he said.

"Oh yeah?" I asked him smirking.

"Yeah" he whispered to me then he kissed my neck. He carried me over to his bed and pinned me down to it.

He began to kiss me passionately on my lips. I could kiss him all day...he tasted like candy. He slowly sucked on my neck, and stopped momentarily to remove my crop top, leaving me in my bra, then continued his kissing. Kissing me he went all the way down to my stomach then back up again.

He looked at me with depth in his eyes. He breathed on my neck sending shivers down my spine. He then put his hand on my stomach and unzipped my shorts, leaving me in the underwear that matches with my bra.
"Joey" I said nervously.

"What?" He asked looking up. "I thought you said you wanted to?"

"Well I did, it's just now that the time has come...I'm not so sure.." I said shaking.

"A-Are you shaking baby-girl?" Joey pulled away from me and looked at my hands then held them.

"Apparently" I nervously giggled.

"You're scared.. I get it. we don't have to do it." He said.

"No-no I want to" I said and began kissing him slowly. I ran my fingers though his hair. I laid back down and Joey swiftly got on top of me. He bit his lip and looked at me up and down. He started to remove his shirt. When his shirt was around his neck, he stopped.

"Are you sure you want to?" He looked me in the eyes.

"Mhm I'm 100% sure." I said while watching him undress. He started to unbuckle his belt and pulled off his jeans, leaving him in boxers. He left baby kisses down my stomach, and put pressure on my thighs. Hmm. I let out a shallow short breath and a sound I don't even know what to call.

"Are you sure?" Joey asked me.

"Yes I'm 100% sure how many times are you gonna ask?" I replied.


I snuggled into Joey like I always did feeling his warm chest.  The sheets up to his stomach: my chest.

"Your so beautiful" Joey said stroking his hands threw my hair.

"I love you" I said rolling over and kissing him on the lips.

I pulled off the covers and climbed out of bed putting one of Joey's t-shirts on. Joey had already put his boxers back on, and I had already put my bra and underwear back on. I climbed back into his bed and laid down facing him. I traced his barley visible abdomen mussels with my finger, and looked up at him.

"You're perfect" I spoke to him. "To me anyway"

"Everything you are is beautiful, your hair, your eyes, you body. The way you treat people, and your words, and how you love me." He said. I smiled at him.

"Okay let's not get too poetic here" I said to him. I slowly started to fall asleep as Joey ran his finger up and down my side slowly.


I woke to bright sunlight shining threw Joeys window, and felt tight arms around me. I smiled remembering what happened last night. I heard the groaning sound of My boyfriend waking up.

"Good morning beautiful" Joey said to me in a groggy voice.

"Good morning" I laughed.

"I have to deal with my dad don't I?" He asked.

"Sorry babe" I said nodding.

"Alright I'll make some deal with him and then we can get some food. You down for that?" He asked me.

"Definitely" I responded.

"Alright baby-girl" he said. He kissed my forehead and then got up, put his clothes back on and walked downstairs. I laid across his bed in complete and utter amazement. How was i so lucky to get a guy like this?


My fishies, how are you? You should have seen this coming. A wil story? Without smut? Haha nice joke. Anyway I wanna thank wheatonsgalaxy because she wrote pretty much all the smut and I just added some details so, I love her for that. And thanks guys for reading.

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