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I woke up in cold sweats, my consciousness coming back, from what seemed like a dream. It seemed much too real to be a dream, but I was here, and I was alive, and Joey still had his strong yet lanky arms around me.

"Can't sleep either?" he asked me whispering. I rolled over and looked into his eyes. The chocolate orbs reflecting fear back to my own eyes.

"No, I can't" I said, breaking the stair. There was a silence, but it was comfortable. It seemed as if everyone else in the room was sound asleep, and me and Joey we're wide awake with fear.

The only difference was, He was scared of the terrorist, and I was having nightmares about something completely different. The nightmare played back in my head over and over.

Cars crashing, people screaming, and running everywhere. Then my mom dead in the driver's seat of the brand new car, blood splattered on the white lining of the chair, and the ice and snow outside the car a faded dark red.

I blinked the dream, or more the memory away, and looked back into Joey's eyes. Deep concern was started to appear across his face, and he started to realise that it wasn't the terrorists that were scaring me at all. It was my memories. He knew that my mom's unconscious image was glued to the back of my mind, and it had already started to break my mental state down, cracking my every way of reasoning.

"I know you're upset about your mom" Joey whispered softly. "and I know how you feel. my mom got shot when I was five, and I couldn't get the image of her dead body out of my mind for a year or so" I was now confused.

"I thought you said your mom left your dad a few months ago" I asked confused.

"He remarried" Joey stated. "Stupid choice for her, obviously, but she was the closest thing I had to a full mother, she did a pretty good job of taking care of me, and when she split she wanted full custody of me, but... you know how my dad is" he trailed off.  

"You really hate your dad don't you?" I asked.

"Yeah" he said.

"Would you two shut the fuck up how am I suppose to sleep?" Snuffy asked. Everyone started to wake up, turning on light and sitting up.

"Well we got the perfect number for poker" snuffy said, lighting a cigarette. Ricardo ripped it out of snuffy's hands.

"You can't smoke in the dorms" Ricardo said.

"What are they gonna do? Kick me out?" Snuffy asked.

"Shut up you guys" Joey said, he opened the door and peeked his head out. A man outside spoke something Spanish.

"Joey, shut the door, shut the door" Richardo said, and Joey closed the door behind him.

"There is one of them at the end of the hall" Joey informed.

"Yeah?" Richardo asked.

"So we make some noise, get him in here, and we jump him" Joey said.

"Then what?" Billy asked.

"Billy he's got a fucking machine gun, with a fucking Machine gun we could shred these fuckers" Joey yelled.

"Hey!" I hissed.

"Joey!" Billy said concerned.

"This machine gun stuff must run in mafia families" Snuffy said. Joey's eyes darkened with anger, and looked like he was going to murder Snuffy.

"You sun of a bitch" Joey yelled starting to strangle Snuffy.

"Joey! Ow, Joey!" Me and Billy went to go pull away Joey from Snuffy, and Hank and Richardo held back Snuffy.

"There insane," I heard the other boy yogurt say to his friend.

"Joey!" I hissed at him.

"It was a joke, Okay? I'm your friend. I can call you a fucking wop if I want to." Snuffy said.

"Come on kiss and make-up" Richardo said.

"I'm sorry. Just don't call me a wop, all right?" Joey asked.

"Sure. Is it okay if I call you an asshole?" Snuffy asked.

" Sure. Asshole, dickhead. Whatever. Fuck face." Joey said, and they did a secret handshake.

"All right, enough of this machine gun stuff, Joey." Billy said.

"Oh Okay mom, you think of a better idea" Joey replied, sassily.

"You wanna know what we need to do?" Billy asked.

"No" I answered.

"We need to find out everything about these guys who are holding us. How many there are, what kind of guns they have, all that stuff. Then we need to get that information to the outside world. Then they can get in and rescue us."

"Cool Idea, Lets do it." I said.

"Oh you guys finally agree on something" Joey said smirking.

"That sounds like a lot of effort for underachievers. The difference is, if the Dean catches you, he doesn't kill you." Hank said.

"Are you with me or not?" Billy asked.

"Of course were with you man but if you get us shot were gonna be pissed"

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