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[ Song of the Chapter: sexy Can I? Feat. Yung Berg- Ray J]

What ever Billy was planning was stupid. I heard the secret knock, knocked back, and walked towards their room.

"Why can't you just knock on my door?" I said walking outside my room.

"Because that would be obvious" Billy said booping me. I scrunched up my nose, and shot him a death glare. "Come on lets go" He said to me and Joey.

We met up with Snuffy, Richardo, and Hank. We went towards the kitchen, and it seems like everyone knew there was a secret door there except for me.

"Watch your head" Hank said, closing the heavy door behind me.

"Hey Billy, nice hole!"

"Speaking of Holes does anyone have a sister?" Hank asked. "Sorry" he said to me. I shrugged it off, and kept walking.

"I don't have a sister, but I saw Joey's mom the other day at the store."

"Hey leave my mom out of this! I Love my mom... and you can too for twelve bucks" Joey remarked. That I laughed at.

"Mr. Trotta would you tend to the bar, while I work on the entertainment?" Billy asked Joey.

"Mouthwash?" all the boys asked in unison.

"Yes, but maybe not!"

"Are you trying to tell me that my breath smells bad?" Hank asked Billy.

"No! Why do you have to take everything so personally?" Billy asked. "Just Drink It!"

Joey handed everyone a shot, and when he got to me he was hesitant, knowing my fathers problem. I nodded and he handed me the shot. We all drank it on the count of three. It burned my throat. Half the guys spit it out. 

"Trust me, Asshole. This is mouthwash!" Hank yelled.

"No!" Billy yelled.

"Taste like mouth wash what is it then?" Richardo asked.

"Four parts 100 Percent proof vodka, two parts peppermint snaps for that minty taste, and one part crème de mint to give it the green color."

"You're sick!" I said.

"That's the beauty of this concept, we can have alcohol in our own rooms, and the best part is I sold ten bottles of this stuff for thirty-five bucks a piece" Billy finish doing a handshake.

"This stuff feels great, its opening up my lungs, making me breathe easier" Snuffy said.

"And evidently its making you fart easier, too" Richardo said. "Fist rule of prep school edict, don't fart in a basement without windows"

"No the first rule of Prep school edict is pretend your asleep when your roommate is beating off" Snuffy remarked.

"No the first rule of Prep school edict is to wait in till your roommate is asleep before beating off" Hank replied.

"Was that a personally remark to me roomie?" Snuffy asked.

"Choke your chicken it's yours" Hank said.

"You slap your monkey all the time, I cant sleep at night" Snuffy said. I just laughed at them.

"Speaking of beating off let me do all the talking" Billy said. As soon as he said those words I knew exactly who they were calling. While they were talking, I plugged my ears and hummed, blocking out the sex line.

All of a sudden Joey grabbed me and pulled me to the ground, behind a bunch of shit like boxes.

"What the hell is going on?!?" I whispered. He shushed me.

I heard the dean talking. I was dead.

"Where is your roommate?" The dean asked billy.

"Up in his room i guess."

Snuffy sneezed.

"Shit" Billy muttered.

"Watch you mouth" the dean warned Billy. "Mr. Bradbury you can come out, and you two Mr. Trotta, and Mr.giles and Mr. Montoya," everyone got up. The dean paused. "And you two Miss. Renn" I stood up and walked out. "Didn't I tell you not to get in-trouble, I'll let you off with a warning, what to see you all in my office at 9:00 sharp tomorrow morning"

We started walking about of the basement when Billy got called back by the dean, the rest of us walked upstairs.

We got to my room.

"Goodnight" Joey said to me, putting his arms on my side. "I love you" he said. I smiled at him.

"I love you too" I said brushing my lips across his. He laughed.

"Stop teasing me" he said. I smiled and kissed his lips, putting my arms around his neck. He pulled me closer, almost as close as you can get. He moved one of his hands to my neck. I pulled away.

"Goodnight" I breathed out.

"Goodnight beautiful" Joey said to me before he walked away.

I opened my door, and locked it behind me, got changed into pajamas, or more like a tee shirt and shorts and went to bed, my head full of thoughts about, Joey and everything he's done for me, and how well this plan is going. Then I thought about my dad, and it made me feel bad that maybe I needed to give him a change. All the thoughts ceased to madder as I feel into a deep sleep.

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