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[Song of the Chapter: Electric Feel- MGMT]

As I got out of the bed and put on my shorts I remembered a dream I had a few nights ago. He wasn't using me was he? He wouldn't do that? Just use me up and leave me? No.

As I walked downstairs my ecstatic mood quickly started to decline. I didn't believe it, but I also couldn't get the thought out of my head. I loved him, but did he love me?

"Yeah I promise dad," I heard Joey say. Then I heard his dad say something.

"Yes I promise, I will okay? I promise" then Joey noticed me poking my head around the corner.

"I've gotta go, alright?" He asked his dad and then looked at me and pulled me out of the house into his car. He started the car and started to drive away from his dad's house.

"Are you alright?" Joey asked me.

"Yeah I'm fine" I said harshly.

"No your not something happened"

"Nothing happened" I yelled.

"Something happened" Joey said.

"Yeah you screwed me and now you just gonna leave me!" I screamed. I instantly covered my mouth.

"What?" Joey asked me offended.

"Nothing" I said.

"Did you just say I was gonna screw you and leave?" He asked concerned. "I would never do anything like that" he confirmed. He looked at me again. "And I know you think the conversation with my dad was sketchy and I got the money, but I also have to take his place. That was the deal." I looked at him in amazement. "And Nyla Elise Renn, one day I'm gonna marry you, I promise that"

"Joey!" I yelled in surprise.

"And I know that something like that is hard to promise, and I know that something like that isn't likely to last but I can promise you this; I wil always love you no matter what, and nothing can change that. You not my fuckbuddy, You're girlfriend, and someday I'm gonna make you my wife" he confessed.

"I'm am so sorry that I even assumed that you were using me" I apologized.

"Where did you even get that idea?" Joey asked me.

"You know my friend, Lilia?" I asked. He nodded. "Well when I first met you and we were ya know, flirting with each other, she said that you were just gonna use me up and leave me, and she never really changed her opinion. not even now does she believe that you actually like me." I explained.

"Yeah I don't like you" Joey said. "I love you" he confirmed.

"Oh shut up" i said Jokingly punching his arm. "What would you wanna marry me for, anyhow?" i asked. He took his eyes of the road for a second to look at me.

Looking back at the road he said "So I can kiss you whenever I want." He grabbed my hand, and I melted right then and there. This boy was perfect. But he was gonna be a mafia Leader, and I don't know how I feel about that.

"Time for food" Joey announced as we pulled into a 7/11. "You're gonna be living at a boarding school, your not gonna get much, stash all you want." he said smiling as he walked over to the magazine section.  I grabbed 2 bags of Pita chips, 3 bags of pistachios, 5 candy bars, 4 Packs of gummies, and a doctor pepper, and sprite for the ride home. Joey just laughed at me and he pulled out cash paying for all the food which ended up only costing about only 25 dollars.


"Ba na nana, nana nana. Can't touch this!"

"Ba na nana, nana nana. Can't touch this!"

Me and Joey sing back and forth.

"My, my, my, my music hits me so hard
Makes me say, 'Oh my Lord,
Thank you for blessing me
With a mind to rhyme and two hype feet.'" I sang.

"It feels good, when you know you're down A super dope homeboy from the Oaktown And I'm known as such And this is a beat, uh, you can't touch" Joey sang. I laughed at him louder then i ever have.

"No stop your terrible at singing" I laughed.

"I told you homeboy, Yeah, that's how we living and you know" he sing passionately, singing terrible on purpose.

"No stop you terrible" I laughed even louder.

"Look at my eyes, Nyla, Yo, let me bust the funky lyrics" he singed loudly.


I yelled.

"WHOA LIVIN ON A PRAYER!" Joey yelled back.





We arrived at school and I thought of all the songs Joey sung on the way here still laughing about them.

"You want me to sing more?" Joey said as we pulled into the school property.

"NOOOO!" I laughed. "My ears are bleeding" I said laughing.

"Haha very funny" he said putting his car in park. Then we both got out of the car and walked to joeys room. I had gotten a room number which means I had to get all my stuff, and put it in my new room. At least i got a room to myself so i shrugged it off. Joey grabbed my suit case and followed me to my room which was only the next room. It looked so empty.

"Do you have extra bedsheets?" I asked joey.

"No sorry" he replied. I started to smirk.

"What are you thinking?" He asked.


"I know that face you're thinking something."

"Alright fine, drive me to my house." I looked at my watch. "My dad will probably be at the bar."

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