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I woke up to my alarm, and groaned. I hated getting up, I was not a morning person. I got out of my bed clutching the blanket that I had wrapped around myself. I walked over to my dresses, pulled out a pair of black leggings and a sweatshirt that said "just do it later", along with a pair of Nikes. I slugged out of my room after brushing my teeth, several attempts of putting on makeup, and putting my hair into a messy bun.

It was about 6:30, about a half hour before, any of these slobs would be awake. I opened Joey's door with a key that he gave me. It was for when I wanted kisses and he also claims it was for if I couldn't sleep, but let's be real, he gave me it because he wanted kisses. He was such a dork. Anyway, I opened the door and saw Joey sleeping on his side, he looked so peaceful, but that was about to change.

I rolled him over on his back, and he groaned starting to wake up. Before he knew what was happening I sat on his bare tummy which, if I haven't mentioned before, is the most delicate, soft, beautiful skin you will ever see, or feel.

"Wake up motherfucker!" I said. He groaned. "Come on" I said. He shoed me away with his hand, and rolled over, causing me to fall off him. I climbed back on his bed, and put one leg on either side of him. 

"Nyla" He groaned. I ignored him and rolled him over so he was on his back. "Babe I need my sleep" He complained. Completely ignoring him once again, I pinned his arms down on his bed. I kissed him lightly. 

"Can't sleep wait?" I said, before kissing his neck. 

"I guess it can wait a bit" He said completely awake. 

"That's what i thought" I said running my hands threw his hair. 

He put his hands on my waist, and he kissed me on my lips. I kissed back lightly. With his hands he traveled down my waist to my bum, and rested his hand on my butt. I ran my hands threw his hair again and then stopped. 

"Where's Billy?" I asked. 

"I don't know actually" He said. "He got up at 6 and left, never came back" 

"Strange...  Now where were we?" but before I could get back to kissing him, billy busted threw the door. He blocked his eyes when he saw me. I sat up. 

"Please tell me you two have clothes on" he said. I mean Joey was shirtless and man was that nice to see, but we weren't having sex if that's what he was thinking. 

"No, but I'm in a sports bra" I said. He uncovered his eyes.

"Lier!" he yelled. 

"Perve!" i yelled back . Joey rolled his eyes.

"You know, I'm really getting tired of you guys fighting all the time." Joey remarked. 

"Then break up, with your slutty girlfriend" Billy said to Joey.

"Billy!" Joey hissed. 

"Just saying" Billy remarked.

"Excuse me, but I'd like you to Fuck Off because you've probably slept with people ten times more than I have" I shot back at Billy.

"Hey at least I don't have the need to be kissing someone every second to being sexually satisfied." Billy said.

"I think you're confused, because last I remembered you we're the one who kissed me, do you know how many times I had to scrub out my mouth? Too many times!"  

"At least My dad doesn't beat me" Billy said. A lump formed in my Throat, and I ran out of the room without saying a word. I ran into my room, and locked the door behind me. I was so fucking done with him. At least my dad doesn't beat me. The words replayed in my head. I started to tear up. But held the tears back, and kicked the bed post. I heard a knock on the door. 

"Go away" I yelled. 

"Nyla open up!" Joey said in a soothing voice. "Babe" He said knocking again. I walked over to the door, and open it. Joey walked in my room, and closed the door behind him. I ran up to him, and hugged him tightly. 

In no way was the hug sexual, Every muscle in Joey's body was sweet, and gentle, but at the same time firm, and protecting. The hug he gave me, was the most comfortable I had been in my whole life, and I never wanted to move. As I cried into Joey's shoulder, he ran his hands threw my hair, delicately, and at this moment, I never wanted to let go of him. I knew that he was the one I was going to spend the rest of my life with. He was the one.  

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