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[A/N So I've started writing the second book and I don't know if this is what you guys want. So read it. Tell my what you think. And please be honest and tell me if this isn't want you want me to do, and you want me to have the book be something different. Thank you guys so much. I hope you like it]

Joey couldn't calm down. He paced back and forth in his dorm room. He attempted to steady his breath but it continued to hitch. It had been a year and a half, or maybe it was closer to two years. Joey didn't care. It didn't matter. All that matter was that he didn't mess this up. He didn't want to chase Nyla away again. He needed everything to be perfect.

After the terrorist left and Nyla got out of the hospital, it seemed as if she was growing away from Joey. That she wasn't interested anymore. And he tried to make her stay in a rather harsh way, when she decided to leave the school. Nyla stormed off and Joey never heard from her again, until Billy confessed that he has been talking to her the whole time she was gone. She had still been mad at Joey. She had gone to another prep school. She has met another boy. And they had both gone to college together, while Joey has gone to another collage with Billy. Yet Joey still wanted to impress Nyla, because he didn't want to give up on her. Not in a thousand years.

He finally got control over his breath, and smoothed out his jeans before walking out of the dorm room, and towards his car. He opened the busted up old ford. The same ford that he picked Nyla up with , from her dad's house, three years ago. He sat down on the leather seat, and closed the door behind him and swiftly started to the car. His hands started to shake, and he was soon having doubts about seeing Nyla. Would she still hate him? Joey pushed away the terrifying thought and started to drive.

Joey was meeting Nyla at one of her old favorite diners. It was fairly close to Regis and he remembered sneaking out of school with Nyla, her being scared that they would get caught.

Joey pulled into the parking lot and parked the car his stomach twisting in a thousand knots, and he felt like a zoo was erupting in his stomach.

He walked in and immediately noticed her. Her dark brown silky hair, and her sun kissed golden skin. How could her forget it.

Nyla looked around, and when she saw Joey a slight smile corrupted her blunt sneer. She motioned for him to come over, and he slowly forced his feet to move.

Nyla couldn't just forget what happened. It has been two years since it happened. Two years since he hurt her. She had left, she couldn't stand to look at him anymore. He had been helping his dad. Wether it was voluntary or his dad was forcing him to did it, she didn't know. But it didn't matter. He knew how terrorists were, and now he was helping them.

Nyla packed her bags, and stacked them by the door. Her dad would be picking her up. They made up, and he was mostly right. Joey had turned out to be just like his father.

Suddenly Joey stormed through her door. His jaw clenched. Suddenly Nyla was on high alert. She has become afraid of him.

"Your leaving?" He asked, a mix of emotions flowing out. He was confused and angry, but he was also sad. She was leaving? He loved her and she was leaving.

"Yeah, I'm leaving" Nyla spoke softly.

"Why?" He asked angrily.

"Because I don't want to be here anymore" Nyla said. She had only told Ricardo, and now she was infuriated that he told someone, let alone Joey. She careful picked up a cotton tee-shirt from her drawer, and placed it in her suitcase.

"Can you tell me why?" Joey growled. Nyla looked up at him, and then turned away, shaking her head.

"Why not?" He asked angrily.

"Because you'll get mad" she said looking away from him. He forced Nyla to face him.

"Look at me" He said grasping her waist tightly. Nyla stared at the ground on the verge of shaking.

"I-" Nyla started but then she stopped.

"Look at me!" Joey demanded. Still Nyla couldn't quite look up. She tried to wiggle out of Joey's grasp. Joey tightened his hold on Nyla. He squeezed her delicate skin, and Nyla yelped.

"Joey, Please stop. You're hurting me." She cried. He finally let go of her. And she backed away fear coating her eyes. "You scare me Joey" She spoke.

She looked up, and something terrifying has Joey's eyes glassed over.

"You're just like your father" Nyla spoke.

"Don't you even say that" Joey spat.

"I'm sorry Joey. You are" She said softly.

"No! I'm not!" Joey screamed. He slammed Nyla's Body against the wall. Nyla's scream was blood curling, and she backed away, as tears flooded down her face.

Joey backed away slowly realising his actions.

Nyla could barely see. She saw a blurry Ricardo and Billy run through the door. Billy forced Joey out of the door. Ricardo tried to comfort Nyla but she shrieked, and scooted away. That was the last time she saw Joey. Until now.

She was going to try to forgive him. She smiled as he walked over towards the table. He sat down.

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