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[Song of the Chapter: IDFC - Black Bear]

Joey knocked on the headmasters door.

"Come in" the headmaster said. Joey and I walked into the office. The dean was standing right beside the headmaster.

"Ah Mr. Trotta and Miss Renn, I've contacted Nyla's previous school and they have transported grades over to our school. Because they are all A's and the current situation in miss Renn's life, we are allowing her to go to school here, under a few rules 1. You must keep your grades up, 2. You must stay out of trouble." He said.

"Of course" I said to him.

"I'm not quite sure where you guys are going to get money, but given the situation and Nyla's grades we have given her a discount. Instead of charging the usual 28,700 dollars you will only have to pay 14,350 dollars."

"Thank you sir" me and Joey said as we left the office.

We closed the door behind us and I jumped up and down and hugged Joey tightly.

"I get to stay!" I said excitedly. " but where are we gonna get the money?" I asked.

"I'll figure something out." Joey said to me.

"Well aren't you sweet" i said to him.

"Sure" he said.

"Shoot I just remembered I forgot something in your car I'll be right back." I said to Joey. I ran out to his car and grabbed a small bag with shoes in it, and then sprinted back to his room. I was about to open the door when I heard Joey talking about New York.

"I just need 9 hours Billy it takes 4 hours from here if I leave soon I can get there by 1 get money from my dad and then I'll be back by 6am."

"Yeah well what about Nyla?" Billy asked

"I don't want her to know, just make something up" Joey said.

I waited a few seconds and then opened the door.

"Hey" I said to both of them. I swiftly put two outfits in my bag and walked out. And sat in Joey car. I waited about 5 minutes and Joey climbed into his car.

"Nyla?" He asked surprise to see me.

"Surprise mother fucker" I said to him.

"Oh my gosh you heard me didn't you?" He asked. "Your not mad are you?" He added.

"Nope, but I'm not moving"

"Nyla get out of the car so I can Go" Joey tried to convince me.

"Nope" I said. "You can take me with you"


"Nuh uh. Drive"

Joey started the car giving up on going alone.

"I guess we probably won't be back in 8 hours" Joey said.

"Probably not" I confirmed. "I just can't believe that you tried to keep something like this from me" I said pissed.

"It's nothing against you." He started. "I just... I don't want you meet my dad" he said weekly.

"Why?" I asked.

"You know what he does for a living" Joey said.

"I don't care what your dad does, or how he'll treat me. I like you, because you care about me, and you wouldn't purposely try to hurt me, I love you Joey, and nothing is going to change that" I said to him. "Not even your family." Joey let a sigh of relief.

"Good, I love you too Nyla, you should probably sleep now though, cuz it's pretty late."

"Alright" I said curling up in a ball.
"Night" I said.

"Good night" Joey said to me.


I woke up to the sound of traffic, and Joeys road rage.

"Joey?" I groaned, my eyes covered in sleep.

"Yeah, baby doll?" He asked me.

"Where are we?" I asked. It was still dark.

"We're almost there" he said to me, his tone much more kind then his harsh cursing.


"Welcome to my humble abode" Joey spoke when we got to his old apartment.

"Wow this is chill" I said walking up to the door. Joey knocked the door. Someone opened the door. It was Joeys dad I assumed.

"Joey?" He asked confused.

"Hi dad" Joey said.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Dad..." Joey complained, nodding towards me.

"Uh come in" Joeys dad said opening the door completely. Joeys dad looked both ways down the street and then closed and locked the door.

"Who is this?" His dad him.

"This is my girl friend, Nyla" Joey said wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Hi" I said.

"Nice to meet you" his dad said.

"Nyla, this is my dad." Joey introduced.

"So what are you doing here in the middle of the night?" Joeys dad asked.

"To visit" Joey said.

"Joseph it's 1:00 am" his dad said.

"Yeah well what are you doing fully awake at 1? Gun deal? Oh wait maybe bombs?" Joey asked.

"That's not fair" Joeys dad said.

"I need money" Joey said as I sat down. You could clearly tell he hated his dad with a passion, and it was giving me a head ache.

"Why do you think I have money?" Joeys dad asked.

"Because you make 4 BILLION dollars a year, I think you can spare some cash" Joey hissed.

I removed myself from the situation to go find a bathroom, and when I got back Joey and his dad were screaming at each other.

"Why can't you get all A's! Why can't you be smart?! Why do you have to be such a dumb fuck?" Joeys dad yelled at him.

"Oh I'm sorry, I'm not perfect. I'm sorry I don't sell guns to terrorist!" Joey yelled.

"I am so sorry guys but um Mr. Trotta someone was knocking on the door." I said to both of them.

"I have to go to make a deal, I'll be back by 7am" Joey dad said to him. "We'll finish our conversation then"

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