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[Song of the Chapter: I love you- Alex & Sierra]

"Why are we going to your dads house?"  Joey asked me.

"Thats where all my stuff is" I said. "I have like only a few outfits, unless you want me to wear your clothes?" I asked.

"Im okay" he replied.



When we got to my house it was starting to get dark and all the lights were out. I didn't want to take the chance that my dad was in the house. I looked at Joey and ran around the house.  I started to climb in my window. And I walked over and turned on the lights everything was still in place exactly how I left it. Joey climbed into the window behind me. I grabbed a suitcase from the other room and started stuffing things into it. Things like bed sheets, clothes, posters, pictures, and the few stuffed animals I have. I grabbed my two pillows and turned around to grabbed my books, and brainstorming notebooks for writing when i saw a note. It was from my dad...

Dear Nyla,                                                                                                                                                                                                          I'm sorry I know I haven't been the best father. I been drunk and useless, and abusive and I understand if you hate me. I just wanted you to know I didn't mean any of the words I said, and  I regret all of the things I've done. I also wanted you to know that I got a Job as newspaper editor, and I am trying not to drink at all. Please forgive me,                                                                                                                                                                                       Sincerely,                                                                                                                                                                     Your Father. 

Joey wiped a tear from my cheek. I didn't even know I started crying. Joey hugged me tightly, and kissed the top of my head. I pulled away and finished getting most of my stuff. We took it out to the car and I walked back to get a few things I had forgotten. When my dad walked in.

"Nyla?"he asked. I blankly stared at him and then quickly turned around and jumped out of the window. "Wait Nyla" my dad yelled from the window. I jumped into Joeys car.

"Don't you wanna say anything?" Joey asked me.

"Just Drive!" I hissed, and he quickly drove out of the drive way. "I'm sorry" I said to him realizing how rude I was.

"Don't you want to forgive him?" Joey asked me.

"Why? you have daddy problems but I don't see you fixing those" I snapped at him. "You said it yourself. My dad was out of control" I added.

"People deserve second chances, You dad could have change"

"Doubt it"

"You can't give him a chance?"

"He never gave you a change, I choose you and that's that now drive" I said.

"Hey calm down" Joey said squeezing my inner thigh. Making me melt.


Joey's heavy breath caused me to laugh as he carried my 3 bags, I set mine down in my room and decided to help him.

"It's only 20 pounds of shoes" I said laughing. I easily picked it up and watching Joey look at me in amazement as I carried the suit case struggle free into my room. I took out a few posters put them up, then I put my bed sheets on and put some decorations up.

Joey turned on one of my radios. It was a slower song. He came up from behind me and kissed my neck, and lightly nibbled it. Then he spun me around and started dancing with me. I just laughed at him and danced along.
He put his hand on my waist and I put my hands around his neck. I leaned over and put my head on his chest.

"Can you hold me forever?" I asked him.

"Sadly no" he replied.

"I love you" I said still dancing with him.

"I love you too baby-girl" he said.

The song changed and it was one that was a dancing song. Joey took my hand and started to sway back and forth at a high speed then he'd spin me around and twirl me. We both laughed. We talked for a while after we sat down.

"I could talk to you for hours" I told him. He laid down and I snuggled up right beside him imbracng his warmth.

"Who needs words? When I'm looking at you I'm speechless, and it's not they bad type either, it the most incredible sensation I've ever felt" he said. I looked at him and kissed him lightly. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer, and firmly kissing me back. He pulled away and i stared at him. I fell in love with a beautiful boy.

"I love you more then you think I do" I said to him.

"I'll love you even when you don't want me to, I will still love you" he told me. I smiled and kissed him again.

"We have school tomorrow" I reminded him.

"Screw school" he said resting his forehead on mine. "I just wanna be with you"

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