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[Song of the Chapter: All We Do - Oh Wonder] 

///Joey's POV///

"Mr. Trotta, They would like to talk to you" The headmaster said to me.

"Why?" I asked scared. Nyla and Billy were hurt. I didn't want to be.

"I don't think they mean to hurt you, i will go with you" The headmaster said. I stared at Nyla and then followed the headmaster.

"Can I take Nyla with me?" I asked. 

"I don't think that will be necessary" 

I walked into the headmaster's office and stood at the desk where Luis was sitting. I glared at him, he was number one on my most hated list. He even passed up my dad. Luis hurt Nyla, and I wasn't okay with that.

"You're free to go" Luis said.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You're free to go. All you have to do is walk down the driveway" Luis explained.

"Why me?" I asked suspicious. 

"Because we respect your father" Luis said. This is all because of my father. He was taking me away from Nyla, Only thinking of our deal.

"Fuck my father, and Fuck you. I'm not going anywhere without my friends, and I'm not going anywhere without Nyla!" I yelled.

"Oh yes you are" He said

"Jorge" Luis yelled, before someone grabbed me and started to push me out the door.

"Ow! Wait wait!" I yelled, I was going to try to bring her with me. If I was leaving so was she.

"Espera un segundo (Wait a second)" Luis said.

"Can I take someone with me?" i asked.

"And who might that be" He asked me.

"Nyla," I said.

"The girl?" he asked me in disgust.

"Yes" I said slightly offended.

"Nyla Renn?" He asked me. I nodded. "I read that her dad is an alcoholic, I knew there was something wrong with her, you're lucky that I'm being nice today. She was going to be the first execution. Ir a buscar a la chica. (Go get the girl.)"He spoke.

But I wasn't going to let Luis get what he wanted, I needed to do something.


///Nyla's POV///

One of the mexican men came out and walked over to me.

"You need to come with me" he spoke in a thick Spanish accent, tugging my arm.

"No" Billy said. "Not a chance" Billy said standing in front of me protectively.

"ce ne fut pas une question , vous ne disposez pas d'un choix , shes venir avec moi météo vous le vouliez ou non (it was not a question, you do not have a choice, shes coming with me weather you like it or not )" The mexican said.

"Billy just let her go" Richardo said. I trusted Richardo, he wouldn't let me go if they were saying they would hurt me.

"No!" Billy screamed, moving towards the mexican. The mexican hit him with the butt of the gun, which resulted in Billy falling over. Then the Guard forced me to the headmasters office.

I walked in and saw Joey it took all my strength to not run over and Kiss him right then and there, and say sorry, But he was mad at me, and Now was not the time.

"Young love does not last, but I hope you got what you wanted." Luis said to Joey. Then guards started to push me and Joey out of the office and towards the front of the school.

All of a sudden I heard someone hit the ground. I turned around urgently, and was relieved to find it wasn't Joey slammed to the ground. He slammed the butt of the gun into the man pushing me, and then Joey ran for the door. 

"What the hell are you doing?" I yelled at Joey.

"Getting us the hell out of here." And he ran threw the doors. I sprinted to catch up to him, and when I got out of the doors, Joey was about to shoot the gun.

"Joey don't!" I yelled, but it was already too late he had already started to shoot the gun when I got to him. The one Mexican turned to shoot back at Joey. I screamed, and jumped in front of Joey grabbing his neck to block the bullets.

I heard the bullet shots of the gun, and a second later i felt them in my back, and let out a sharp gasp, collapsing in Joey's arms. 

"Deje de disparar ahora (Stop shooting now)" Luis screamed at the guard.

"Shit, shit! Ah mother fucking shit!" Joey said his eyes started to tear up. "Nyla, don't die, please I need you, don't close your eyes please. I am so so sorry." he said to me.

"Joey" I whispered as Joey started to cry.

"Nyla, no no, oh shit. Please-."

"Kiss it all better." I cut him off. He kissed me hard quickly, but when he got pulled away quickly, my eyes were closed, but I was still conscious, I could hear everything, I could hear Richardo and Snuffy whispering hopes that I would be okay. I could hear lots of yelled. Joey screaming, and Billy too.



"YOU HAVE TO CALL A FUCKING AMBULANCE!" Joey yelled at everyone, him holding my motionless body, his tears dripping on me. "You have to do something" he cried, as I heard the sound of him started to bawl. I could feel everyone being pulled away from my grasp. I knew I was dying, but I did it for Joey. It was all for Joey.

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