[Part 3] I

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Joey POV///

I struggled to get out of the Mexicans grasp. Nyla was on the other side of that door, and I wasn't planning on leaving her. She saved me, now I needed to save her.

"Let go of me you fucker!" I hissed. "Let go!" I said still struggling. Everyone was sent back to there rooms, and only Billy Ricardo Hank Snuffy and me knew what was going on as we heard ambulance sirens.

I kicked the wall then pounded my fist on it. I held my head, and slid down the wall, and I pulled my head between my knees tears starting to form in my eyes. It wasn't fair for her, she wasn't suppose to die, and I hope to god somehow she's still alive. She has to be alive. If she's not alive, I might kill myself. I will kill myself. I needed her, and nothing was ever going to change that. I fucking needed her.

Nyla POV///

There was darkness. I heard the beeps of machines beside me and I heard someone walk in to the room. They were light footsteps, as if the person didn't want to disturb me.

"We made it baby, we made it out" It was Joey. I heard him sit down and felt him firmly grasp my hand.

"Its all my fault, It should have been me" he said. Why couldn't I just wake up? I wanted to tell him I was okay, that I can hear him. That I love him. That it wasn't all his fault. It was my choice to save him.

"I was stupid for even thinking we could get out, without getting hurt"

I can hear him. With all my will i tried to squeeze his hand, but not a mussel budged.I felt like screaming as loud as I possibly could but nothing came from my mouth. My heart started to ache. Sharp pains shot threw my body, and I almost felt as if I was being shot again. A doctor entered the room.

"What does that sound mean?" Joey asked.

"Her heart is failing" The doctor said urgently.

"What?" Joey spat.

"Kid, you need to get out" the doctor said.

"Just wake up!" I yelled to myself, "just fucking wake up!" My heart had a shooting pain even more. Doctors and nurses started to rush in and I heard Joey refusing to leave the room but they still forced him.

"We need a defibrillator now" the doctor said. "Her heart isn't beating, I'm afraid that it might stop working all together"

I couldn't breathe, no air could even enter my lungs, as I tried to take air in with shallow short breaths. Soon bolts of electricity shot threw my body, and I felt as if I was in hell. Two more times it happened in till I could breathe again. People were scrambling around in till everyone seemed to stop.

"Her heart rate is back to normal!" The doctor said. Most of the nurses and doctors started to calm down.

After a bit everyone walked out of the room. The doctor put away the defibrillator, I could feel myself slowly awakening.

They let Joey back in the room. He sat back to the chair he was sitting on and grabbed my hand once again. I could feel him staring at me even though I had my eyes closed. Oh those sweet chocolate brown eyes, how I longed to see them.

"Wake up Nyla, I need you dammit!" He said to me. "Please" he pleaded, but this wasn't my decision. Trust me I wanted to. I gave it everything I had. But still nothing.

And then it was all too sudden. I opened my eyes quickly up see beautiful chocolate orbs, staring right at me.

"Nyla!" Joey said surprised. I smiled, and pulled him down by his neck and kissed him.

"I love you" I said to him. I didn't need to say anything else right now. He didn't need to know anything else either. 

"Nyla...I" Joey started.

"I'm sorry I did it!" I cried, "you knew what you were doing and I had no right to take the bullets. I just couldn't let you die Joey!" I cried.

"Nyla, you saved my life, thank you" Joey said hugging me tightly.

Soon enough Doctors started to flood into my room, and then they all left except one, who checked my vitals. After he was done, that when the people that I really wanted to see.

"You look horrible" Snuffy said to me.

"Snuffy!" Hank hissed.

"Dude, She was just in a coma for Three days" Ricardo said.

"Yeah what's your excuse?" I asked snuffy.

"I don't know what your talking about, I look amazing. All the time" Snuffy said.

"Keep thinking that" Billy smirked.

"Master plan worked?" I asked.

"You bet" Billy said "I mean it was a lot harder without you for all of us, but we got past"

"Cute" I smirked.

Then my dad walked in. I hadn't seen my dad for a few months, and that was on purpose. Everyone was silent, everyone started to walk out except for Joey. He wasn't going anywhere.


Well that was an interesting chapter, it took me long enough to write lol, what did you guys think?

Please give me feedback

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