chapter 2: Addison

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I walk out of the house quickly trying to avoid my father I don't grab breakfast because I'm to fat so I know it would be wrong.
A cold wind welcomes me when I walk outside, I'm wearing the clothes I wore yesterday but with a hood so no one see's the blood, my foot still hurts so I walk with a limp, lucky school isn't to far away.

School is like a second hell to me I have no friends and everyone bullies me because I'm mute, but school is better than being with him.
I walk into school trying to be as small as possible people crowed the halls but I quickly make my way to my locker. A foot comes out of nowere and I fall face first on the floor pain flows through my weak body, a roar of laughter fills the halls.

"Learn how to walk slut" someone yells as I get up.

I quickly get up and run through the halls hurting my foot, til I reach the bathroom I lock myself in a stall and cry to myself, I stay like this for a while till the bell rings.

I finally leave going to my locker when I bump into someone when I turn a corner, my books scatter everywhere and I fall to the floor, my ribs scream in pain when I fall to the floor and a loud whimper escapes my lips, I quickly try to gather them up till I hear his voice.

"Are u ok" Nick says in a soft tone "I'm so sorry, I should watch were I'm going".

I look up into his beautiful brown eyes as they stare down at me my heart starts to rase as my crush smiles at me, I quickly avert my gase and continue picking up my books.

He kneels down helping me.

'Why is he doing this, is he going to hurt me, bully me like the others' I think to myself.

He hands me the books and I quickly snatch them up, he tries to help me up but I flinch away and a small whimper escapes my lips, he frowns when he hears it.

"Are you ok" he asks.

I don't respond, I haven't spoken in years and I won't start now.

"Your Addison aren't you" he asks.

I nod.

"Hi I'm Nick" he says kindly.

I look down at my torn shoes my ankle still hurts but I ignore it.
Before he can stop me I run away, till I reach my class, I sit in the back row as usual and think of how kind Nick is.

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