chapter 30: Nick

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Me and my mun sit in the waiting room of the hospital for more then 2 hours, but it feels like a life time, my tears eventually stop and we just wait.
Eventually a docter starts walking towards us stopping when hes right in front of us.

"Nick Hunts" he asks.

"Yes" I say quickly stand up "how is she".

"She's stable" I let out a sight as he says those two words.
"She lost alot of blood and her arm is broken, we had to stitch up her leg so she won't be able to walk, we also had to remove alot of class from her body" he explains.

"Can I see her" I ask.

"Yes but not to long" he explains.

We follow the doctor through the halls till we enter a room, the first thing I see is all the machines hooked up to Addy, her face has small cuts and bruses cover her face, a large cast covers her whole right hand and an IV tube is hooked up to her left, bandages cover places on her body and you can see the bulge were a large bandage covers most of her leg, her face is pale and she looks almost peaceful, her brown hair spreads out across her pillow.

"When will she wake up" I ask sitting down in the chair next to the bed.

"Were not sure" he says sadly.

I nod grabing her cold hand and gently rubbing my thumb on her palm, a tear runs down my cheek.

"Your going to be ok" I say softly to her.

My mum comes up to me and grabs my shoulder gently squeezing, I listen to the gentle beep of her heart on the monitor its almost almost calming her heart still beating giving me hope that she will wake up.

"I love you baby" I confess kissing her hand softly.

Suddenly her body starts to shake and the heart monitor starts going crazy, my hand is riped from hers as the doctor pushes me awy.

"Shit" the docter say?

Seconds later more people come rushing into the small room, one starts to pull me and my mum out shutting the door behind her.
We wait outside till the yelling goes quit and the beeping of the monitor slows down to a normal pace, the docters slowly exit and the one from earlier walks up to me.

"Shes ok, she just had a minor seizure" he explains "you can go back and sit with her again".

I nod and go and sit next to Addy and I don't move from that spot.

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