chapter 28: Addison

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I'm thrown into the boot of his car, I grunt in pain as I grab my side, the boot door is closed and everything goes dark.
I start to panick, what have I gotten myself into, but now I don't have anyone that loves me and care about me, I'm just nothings so why would I care about what happens to me now.
Its a long drive and every sharp turn makes my full stomach turn, eventually I vomit nowing I will regret it later, the boot opens and my fathers face stares down at me, he grabs me and throws me over his shoulder carrying me back into my prison.
As soon as were inside he throws me straight at the wall, I hear the loud crack of my arm as I hit the wall, I scream out in pain and clutch my arm trying to will the pain away.

"You thought you could get away from me" he yells over my cries.

He kicks me hard and doesn't stop, I new he would come for me I just new it, he stops and chuggs the vodka from the bottle hes holding, he throw it at me and it shatters against my skin, I feel the glass shards sticking into my skin.

"Your a ungrateful little bitch" he growls.

He grabs a large knife from the kitchen bringing it close to my face, touching the tip to my cheek and gently sliding it causing a small cut.

"You need to be taught a lesson" he says softly.

He jams the knife into my leg and pulls up making a massive cute running up my leg, I scream as blood runs out of the deep wound, I try to stop the bleeding but its to deep.

"You deserve this girl" he hisses "every last bit of it".

He punches me and kicks me till I can bairly see straight, he says mean things to me about how I'm worthless and how no one loves me and I stay on the floor crying as my already broken heart slowly breaks into a million pieces, I can feel myself getting tired I've lost to much blood and I know if I fall asleep I may never wake up, maybe that would be a good thing at least I won't be anyones burden and I will be put out of my misery.

"ADDISON" a familar voice yells.

A silloute stand in the door way behind my dad, and I wonder to myself, is he really here or is it just a dream.

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