chapter 39: Addison

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I sit in a chair in Dr Andrew's office as he examins my body, its my first check up and I'm nerves.
Nick had to go to school because he has missed to many days so its just me and Fiona, she sits next to me giving me a warm smile as Dr Andrew pokes around my body and changes my cast.

"Well everything is looking great Addison" he says taking a set.

"You should be able to walk now, it will probably still hurt but just try not to walk to much" he tells me "and I think you can go back to school now".

I nod not liking the last part.

"Ok well I think were finished" he says clapping his hands together "I'll rescedule another appountment for you".

I get out of the chair and follow Fiona to the door.

"I'll see you in a couple weeks Addison" he waves goodbye.

I wave back and head to the car, a shooting pain goes up my leg but its bareable, I hop in the car with Fiona and check the time, 10:37am it reads, still early.

"Addison" Fiona says turning to me "how about for the rest of the day we have a girls day".

I look at her confused "whats a girls day" I ask.

"Its were we get our hair and makeup down and get manicures and peticures and do a whole lot of shopping" she sounds exicted.

"Sounds like fun" I say.

"Great" she says starting the car.


I sit infront of a mirror at the hair saloon looking at how long my hair is, Fiona has already finished getting her hair died a deep red.
I keep staring, I hate my hair long it always gets in my way.

"What would you like sweet heart" the lady asks.

"Cut it off" I say.

"Yeah how much" she asks.

I put my hand to my chin and she nods getting to work, my hair surrounds the floor around me and I'm amazed at how much is there.

"Would you like me to curl it" she asks.

I nod.

Once I'm done my short hair is in tight ringlets around my head and I look completely different.
We get our nails and toe nails done and also our makeup done, I feel so speical getting this done, we go shopping last getting bag apone bag of clothes and makeup, filling both our hands, most of the stuff is for me but Fiona has bought a few things, she buys everything for me even when I protest.
We stop at our last stop of the day,I'm looking through the rakes when I hear Fiona squeel, I walk up to her to see her holding some clothes.

"I found the perfect outfit for you" she says pushing me into the changeroom.

I quickly put it on and look at myself in the mirror, I've got on a long sleave white wool shirt that sticks to my skin along with a black and light blue scarf wraped around my neck, the jeans are mint green and are tight and comes with a black belt, I've got a black beanie on my head along with black converses.
I look stunning with my hair and makeup donne perfectly, I look like a whole new person.

I walk out of the change room in the outfit and Fiona gasps as I step into the light.

"Do you like it" I ask.

"Honey you look gorgous" she tells me giving me a huge.

She breaks away and turns to the sales person walking past.

"Excuse me, I was wondering if I could buy clothes while someones wearing them" she asks.

"Yeah of course" she says bringing us to the counter.

She scans the tags and ripes them off, Fiona pays for it and we leave the store with our many shopping bags.

"Wait till Nick see's you" she chuckles " hes won't let you out of his sight".

I blush and chuckle along with Fiona as she drives home.

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