chapter 21: Nick

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"I-I don't feel t-to good" Addy says clutching onto my hand.

Before I have time to react she goes limp and starts falling to the floor, I grab her quickly bringing her into my arms, I carry her small body to our bed, sweat covers every part of her body and she burns to the touch.
I lay her on our bed, she must of blacked out, worry takes over me, what do I do, she looks so sick, the way she vomited hurt me so much not knowing how to help her.
I quickly grab my phone, I know I need help and I can only think of one person.

"Mom" I say quickly.

"Honey, whats wrong, why are you calling so late" shes asks suprised.

"Mum I need your help, I don't know what to do, Addy, shes really sick, I don't know what to do she past out and now I'm getting really scared" by the time I finsh tears are streaming down my cheeks.

"Calm down honey, its going to be ok, Im on my way home now" she says and I can hear her start her car.

"Hurry, please hurry" I say quickly.

She hangs up and I do back to Addy's side holding her hand, she looks so pale, a small crease covers her face and I know shes in pain.
I hear the front door open and my mum races up the stairs to my room, worry is all over her face when she see's Addy, she puts her hand on her fore head and pulls back.

"I'll be back, I just need to get a thermometor" she says walking out of the room.

She comes back a few minutes later holding the thermometor, she places it in her mouth and we wait for the results.
When it beeps mum quickly pulls it out and her face falls when seeing it.

"What is it" I ask nervously.

"42 degrees" mum says.

"Is she going to be ok" I ask.

"I don't know" she says saddly.

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