chapter 8: Addison

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I feel bad for leaving Nick in the hallway but it was for the best, I will just embarrass him and I don't want him to end up like me.
I make it to lunch, I'm in the barthroom kneeling infront of the toilet, I vomit out my breakfast making sure its all out.
I leave the bathroom and head to my locker, but sadly Harry is waiting for me.

"Hey slut" he says.

I gulp, hes all alone and he towers over my small body, I back up against the locker hitting my still healing wounds.
He laughs.

"What do you think your doing here slut" he growls.

I whimper.

He shoves me into the locker and I fall to the ground with a thud.

"You should've killed yourself when you had the chance you fat bitch" he laughs.

He kicks me in the stomach once with a laugh and the walks away, I sit there on the floor clutching my stomach in pain and sob into my knees, I don't here the foots step approach me until he kneels infront of me.

"Addy, whats wrong, what happened" he asked worried.

I look up at him tears filling my eyes.

He wraps his arms around me comforting me till I finally stop crying.

"You ok" he asks.

I nod.

"Are you going to tell me what happened" he says.

I shake my head.

"Ok, come on I'll pay for lunch" he says helping me up.

I shake my head signiling he doesn't have to, but he just laughs and pulls me along with him.
We enter the cafeteia and I feel like everyone is stairing at me, I shrink down. Nick grabs to lots of lunch and pays for it quickly he guides me back outside and I let out a sigh of relief.
We sit outside and I take small bites of my sandwich.

"Your coming back to my place after school right" he asks.

I don't know what to say, part of me doesn't want to burden him and bring him into my life but the other half despreetly wants to say yes.

"I would like it if you did I enjoy your company" he says kindly.

I nod but I stop suddenly as satan himself starts to walks towards me.

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