chapter 46: Addison

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I stand infront of the floor length mirror, I stare at myself, my hair is curled perfectly and my makeup is down making me look sexy with my smokey eyes and pale red lipsticks, my dress is amazing the top is strapless and black and goes of into strips around my back showing some of my skin, the bottom half of my dress is light blue with a floral lace pattern that is londer at the back and reaches my mid-thighs at the front, I'm wearing black heels and my pandora bracelet.

"You look amazing" Fiona says from behind.

"Thank you" I say turning towards her.

She pulls me into a tight hug, when she pulls away she has  a massive smile on her face and tears in her eyes.

"I'm so happy your here" she says "you've been so good for him".

"I'm glad that hes happy" I say.

She smiles one last time before pulling me out into the hall were Nick is waiting, hes wearing a white dress shirt and clean blue jeans, he looks at me stunded.

"Whats wrong" I ask.

"I'm just amazed at how beautiful you are" he says pulling me close.

He kisses me on the lips gently but sweetly when he finally pulls away smiling.

"Whats with all the blue" I finally ask.

"Its your colour" he answers.

I laugh looking down at the dress and smile.

"The out fit is almost complete but It needs one last thing" he says pulling something from his pocket.

He pulls out a necklace holding it infront of my face, theres a small heart pendant at the end with 'I love you to the moon and back' written on it, he drops it into my hands and look it over, it opens up and a photos of me and Nick kissing with me on the counter is put into it.

"Its beautiful" I say.

Nick wrap it around my neck letting it fall against my chest, I smile as I play with it with my fingers.

"Theres one more thing" he says walking away.

When he walks back he holds something in his hands, a small brown and white boxer puppy with small black spots across its back is in his hands, I gasp running towards him gentle patting the puppies head.

"Is it for me" I ask.

"Yeah she is" he laughs "do you want to hold her".

I nod as he places the puppy in my hands, she snuggles up against me and I giggle when her wet nose touches me.

"Whats her name" I ask.

"What ever you want it to be" he says.

I think for a moment before the perfect name comes to me "what about Angel".

"Perfect" he says "now come on we have to go".

"Really" I sigh.

"You can play with Angel later" he says pulling me away.

We say our good byes and leave the house to wondering were to next.

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