chapter 43: Addison

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I wake up before Nick, I get up and head to the bathroom, my legs hurt alot but luckly I can still walk, I have a shower trying to get clean but I still feel so dirty, I look at myself in the mirror, I have a massive bruses on my cheek and my cheeks are slightly puff but I just but Nicks giant hoody on and appair of shorts.
I walk downstair slowly and straight into the kitchen were Fiona is making breakfast, she looks up at me and she looks so worried, Nick told her everything why I was asleep and I haven't spoken to her, she quickly runs up to me bringing me into a tight hug, tears slide down my cheek as I lean into her.

"Its ok sweety" she comforts me "its ok".

I nod my head as she sits me down on the chair, I pull my knees up to my chest holding them close to me, Fiona passes me a cup of coffee and sits next to me.

"How are you feeling honey" she asks.

"I'm a little sore" I say staring into my cup "but I'm ok".

She rubs my shoulder and gives me a soft smile.

"It will get better, I promise" she tells me.

I nod sipping my coffee.

"I'm going to go backup stairs and get some rest" I say.

I get up from my chair and Fiona stands up to making sure I'm ok, I go to walk out but the calender catches my eye, and I stop and stare at it, the longer I look the more I feel the sadness creep in, a tear trickles down my cheek.

"Whats wrong honey" Fiona asks looking worried.

I quickly wipe the tear away "nothing, its just my birthday" I say sadly.

"Oh when is it" she asks excited.

"It doesn't matter" I say turning towords her.

"Of course it does" she walks up to me.

"Please, I'd rather just leave it" I say sadly.

"Ok honey" she says.

I nod turning around going to leave the room when Nick suddenly jumps out of nowhere scareing the hell out of me.

"Jesus christ" I yell holding my chest.

"Whens your birthday" he asks, he heard out convication.

"It doesn't matter" I say going to walk around him.

He steps in my way and doesn't move.

"It matters to me" he says.

I shove past him and run up the stair Nick right behind me, I make it to the bedroom and sit down on the bed looking away from Nick, I always hated my birthday, It was a constant reminder of what I did to my mum, when most people got presents and cake for there birthday, I got more bruses and more guilt about my mum, my father always punished me more on my birthday and I've never gotten a gift before.
Nick kneels infront of me and grabs my hands holding them tight.

"Why don't you want to celebrate your birthday" he asks.

"Because I've always seen it as a day of guilt and punishments" I whisper "because my mum died that day because of me my dad always hurt me more".

"But thats not your fault" he says.

"Yeah, but I've never acctually celebrated my birthday before" I say leaning into him.

"I want to show you what birthdays are supose to be like" he says into my hair "please".

"I'm sorry but no" I say.

"Fine" he sighs "then I'll just have to tickle it out of you".

"What" I say suprised.

Nick puts his hands at my waist and start tickling me, I scream with laughter as he goes faster.

"Please stop" I laugh.

"Not till you tell me when your birthday is" he yells happily.

I laugh harder, I gasp trying to breath through laughter, my chest hurts now from all the laughter and I know he won't stop till I tell him.

"Fine" I yell "I'll tell you".

He stops and lets me catch my breath, he stares at me waiting for my answer, I have to tell him now.

"Well" he says.

"My birthday is tomorrow" I whisper as his eyes go wide.

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