chapter 31: Addison

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Everything is dark, I feel heavy and my whole body aches, I want to move but my body is numb and nothing moves, I try to open my eyes but they feel heavy to, I can hear a slow beeping and something warm touches my hand.
I try to open my eyes again and I feel them flutter a bit before slowly opening them only to close again when a bright light burns my eyes, I slowly open them again and ajust to the brightness.
I'm in a hospital room and the beeping is the heart monitor that is hooked up to me, how long have I been asleep, I look around the room to see someone sleeping in the chair next to the bed, his hand gentle grazing my hand.


Images of what happened come back to me, my dad shoving the knife into my leg, him shoving me into the boot of his car, me running down the street tears running down my eyes and Nicks mouth on Sofias as the kiss on the couch.
I pull my hand away and rest it on my chest, an IV tube sticks out and I try not to rip it out.
I'm in a hospital gown and nothing else my hair is tied up to keep out of my face.
I see a clipboard next to my bed and quickly grab it, I look through it and I find out that I've been asleep for almost two weeks.
I try to put my other arm but a large white cast runs up my arm making it hard to move, I want to sit up but my whole body hurts when I try, mostly my leg though which feels stiff and sore, a loud wince escapes my lips and I fall back onto the bed.
Nick shots up straight looking around franticly, his eyes finally land on me and he looks at me shocked that I'm finally awake.
Like he cares.

"I was so worried" he says as he gets up and softly huges me.

I don't return the gesture, all I can see is Nick kissing Sofia, he lets go and I look away toward the wall.

"How are you feeling" he asks.

I don't say anything, I don't trust him anymore he already broke my heart once I won't let him do it again.

"Addy" he says trying to get my attention "Addy, say something".

I look back at him and see his pleading eyes as he trys and wills me to speak, but I just stare.
The door open and a man walks in in a white lab coat, he looks up at me and smiles seeing that I'm awake.

"I see you have finally woken up, I'm Dr Andrew" Dr Andrew says softly "how do you feel".

I don't speak.

"Addison, did you hear me" he asks

I nod my head signilling yes.

"Ok can you tell me how you feel" he asks again.

I shake my head, no.

"Addy doesn't really talk alot to strangers" Nick buts in.

"I see" he says "ok how about with your hand on a scale of one to five how much pain are you in".

I put up four fingers.

"Ok" he says writing on the clipboard hes holding.

He hands me a blue pill and glass of water.

"Painkillers" he says "drink this".

I do as I'm told and swallow the pill with the water drinking it all.

"Ok I'll be back so I can run a few tests to see how your holding up" he says "rest".

I nod as he walks out of the room, leaving me with just Nick.
I need to sit up, butt everytime I try pain takes over my whole body leaving me back on the bed.

"Here let me help you" Nick says

He grabs a romote and presses a button making the bed rise up so that I'm sitting up, so that I can see the whole room.
Nick sits back down and stares back at me.

"I'm sorry Addy" He says breaking the silence "I should of been there and made sure this never happened, I'm the worse boyfriend in the world".

Tears run down his face and all I want to do is give him a hug but I can't he broke my heart.

"This is all my fault all because Sofia kissed me" he sobs "Addy you have to believe me she kissed me, I wouldn't do that to you".

I want to believe him, my heart screams at me to say yes but my brain tells me hes a liar and that I shouldn't trust him, that I should trust no one.

"I will try and make it up to you Addy" he says "even if you can't forgive me".

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