chapter 23: Nick

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I sit in the uncomfortable chair in a doctors office, Addy practicly sitting on my lap clutching a bucket in her hands, she trembles, and a sheet of sweat covers her body.
It was a hard night for her, shes wearing one of my tshirts and yoga pants and I put her hair in a pony tail to keep it out of her face, she was in and out of sleep consantly vomiting and her tempreture wasn't going down.
She whimpers every once and a while from the pain and I just bring her closer to me, my mum sits on the other side of me holding my free hand trying to keep me calm.

"Addison Summers" the docter calls out finally.

We get up and I carefully hold my hands around Addy, holding her steady as she walks, we walk into a small office and take a seat, the docter looks over Addy examing her.

"How are you feeling" The doctor asks.

I know Addy won't say anything to him, shes to scared and in to much pain to talk and even then I don't think she would say anything.

"Sorry but she shy, she doesn't talk much and only talks to selective people, shes been mute for a very long time" I say saddly.

"I understand" The doctor says kindly.

"Shes been feeling dizzy and very nauesous and shes been getting pains in her stomach" I explain "and a very high temp".

"I see" the doctor says.

He grabs his equipment out and listens to Addy heart rate, he see's Addy's back and looks at me conserned and I explain to him what they are, he just nods and keeps going, he checks her blood pressure and runs a blood test, he also checks Addy's temperatue again to find it still at 42 degrees.
After hes finished he sits back down and lets out a long sigh.

"Addison has severe food poisening" the doctor explains "she should be ok in a couple of days, she just has to get it out of her system".

"But how I ate what ever she ate" I ask.

"Addison has a lower imune system then you so shes more pron to these sort of things" he says.

"Also she has very low iron levels in her blood, so I'm guessing thats why its making her feel worse" he says "and I'm worried about infection with the cuts on her backs".

I nod getting worried.

"I'm going to give hee a percription for some antinfection cream and iron pills, shes also going to need lots of bed rest and fluids and I suggest mostly red meat meals" he explains handing my mum a piece of paper.

We leave the doctors office and head straight to the pharmacy and get the stuff we need and head straight home were Addy crawls into bed clutching her stomach as it turns in pain and I try to comfort her best I can.

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