chapter 34: Addison

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"I'm home" I yell as I enter the house

I walk inside the house, a bright smile on my face as I walk into the lounge room, I place my stuff on the coffee table and look around for Nick but don't see him.

"Nick" I yell.

I hear a grunt coming from upstairs and I follow the nose, I quickly get up the steps and head straight for our room the noses getting louder, I swing the door open what I see leaves me shocked.
Nick is completely naked, ruffly grinding into a naked Sofia, they both moan loudly and are covered in sweat.
I try and scream but nothing comes out and I can't move form the spot in the door way, they both pretend like I'm not hear,
I watch as both their bodies stiffen.

"I love you Nick" Sofia screams.

I wait for Nicks answer hoping this is just some kind of joke.

"I love you too" he moans.

My heart shatters as he utters those four words, I want to cry but nothing comes out, Nick finally looks up at me and an evil smirk appears on his lips.
A hand grabs my shoulder tightly and I quickly turn, my fathers angry face appears behind me a smirk plastered on his lips.

"I told you he didn't love you" he chuckles "no one does".

I see his gaze look behind me and I look back to see Nick infront of me still smirking, he plays with a knife in his hand.

"I never loved you" he spits out "I will never love you".

He lifts the knife up ready to plunge it into my body and finally I scream as loud as I can.


I scream till my lungs hurt, shooting straight up from the bed causing pain to run through my body but I don't stop as the dream keeps playing in my head over and over.
Nick wakes up next to me worry written all over his face as he hears me scream, my voice cracks and my screams turn into coughs.

"Addison whats wrong" Nick asks wrapping his arms around me.

I quickly jump away hitting the wall hard, hurt flashes in his eyes but it quickly disapears.

"Addy calm down its ok" he trys to sooth me.

I can feel my breaths getting harder and harder and I know I'm having a panick attack.

"Calm down Addy, you need to breath" he say.

I'm pulled up against Nicks chest as he tightly hugs me, I try to pull away but he tightens his grip, I give up trying and let him comfort me, I calm down but it doesn't stop the tears from falling.

"Bad dream" Nick asks.

I nod against his chest.

"Do you want to talk about it" he asks.

I shack my head, no.

"Ok" he says.

He starts to strock my hair comforting me as I cry, the dream won't go away, it felt so real.
I sob against Nicks chest his tshirt wet with my tears, we stay like this for a long time him silently comforting me, the very broken girl.

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