chapter 26: Addison

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I jump off Nick's lap as soon as I hear the loud banging, my eyes look around franticly and my heart beat increases dramaticly.
I feel Nicks strong hands wrap around me calming me down, he kisses me gently.

"Its ok love, it was just the door" he whispers into my ear.

He kisses up my neck till he reaches my cheeks and plants a soft kiss on my lips, we continue this till theres another loud banging.

"I'm coming" he growels annoyed.

Nick gives me one last kiss and heads towards the front door, I stand behind the wall with half my face poking out so I can see who it is, the door swings open and a girl tumbles in handing her handbag to Nick, shes tall with a thin curvy body, she has long blond hair reaching her hips that is perfectly curled, she has sun kissed skin and a bright smile.

"Finally" she giggles.

"Hey Sofia" Nick says "what are you doing here".

"I came to see why you haven't been at school" she says concerened but still smiling.

"I've just been here" he says bluntly.

"Fine" she giggles then her eyes land on me "whos this".

I quickly hide behind the wall hiding my face.

"Thats Addison" he chuckles "shes shy".

Sofia walks up to me and grabs me, a small shrek escaping my mouth as she pulls me out from behindd the door causing them both to laugh.

"Hey" she giggles.

I give her a shy wave.

"You are so cute" she says playfully slapping my shoulder.

My face goes bright red and I quickly look away.
Nick and Sofia head into the lounge room and take a seat, I sit next to Nick with Sofia on the recliner, she tells Nick about what hes missed at school and all the new things that have been happening, after a short while I need to go to the bathroom, I lean over to Nick close to his ear.

"I'm going to the bathroom" I whisper.

"Ok, don't take to long" he says smiling.

I get up and quickly go to the bathroom making sure not to take to long but as I'm about to head into the room I hear Sofis speak.

"Have you missed me while you were gone" she says.

I peek over the side so I can watch, Sofia has moved so that now shes sitting next to him, a smirk plastered on her face as she speaks.

"Yeah of course" Nick says.

"Thats good because I really missed you" she giggled.

Before I know whats happening Sofia has jumped onto Nicks lap and they start making out lustfully.
I'm in shock, Nick wouldn't do this to me he couldn't he loved me, right at that moment all the bad thoughts come rushing back to me.

'Hes was just using me, I was just a joke to him, he was just playing me, he never loved me'.

Tears rush to my eyes and I realise a small sob before I can stop it, Nicks head turns to in my direction and he meets my eyes.

"Addy its not what it looks like" he says franticly.

Before he can get up I dart to the door pushing it wide open.

"Addy wait" I hear him yell.

I don't stop, I keep running and don't look back, tears sting my eyes and I sobs franticly, the faster I ran the quieter Nicks yells became.
I ran for hours with no destination just to get away from the images playing in my head.
Before I knew it I ran into someone and fell backwards onto the hard floor, I look up to see two dark angry eyes looking down at me.

"Hello again" he hisses.

I came face to face with my worst nightmare.

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