chapter 51: Addison

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We all walk into the ballroom of the hotel together, there a candles and lights lite everywhere, a large dancefloor is in the middle of the room and around it are tables, we look for our asigned tables, we find it quickly near the front of the room.

"Lets dance" Nick says pulling me towords the dance floor.

"But I don't know how" I say.

"Never do I" he chuckles.

We start to dance at the edge of the dance floor moveing to the beat, it turns out that I'm not that bad of a dancer and we end up dancing for what feels like hours, until they anounce that they will be serving dinner soon along with crowning prom king and queen.

"Don't forget to vote" the girl on stage yells.

We eat happily with little chit chat, Nick rests his hand on my thigh as he leans in to kiss my cheek.

"I voted for you to for king and queen" Robby says.

"Me to" Justin chuckles.

"What, no" I say shocked "you shouldn't have done that".

"To late Ad" Robby chuckles "there about to anounce it".

I sigh knowing it doesn't matter because no one else would have voted for me anyway, we make our way back to the dance floor dancing why they wait for the anouncement.

"May I get everyones attention please" A girl says on stage "its time to crown our prom king and queen".

The crowed starts cheering happily, a person walks out holding two velvet pillows one with a crown and the other a tiara.

"Ok whos ready" she shouts as the crowed roars.

She pulls out a envelope ripping it open, she reads the name and smiles "prom king is Nick Hunt's".

The crowed cheers and a spot light flashes on Nick, he gives me one last kiss before leaving me with Robby and Justin, The place the crown on his head before moving to the queen.

"And the queen is..." she pauses "Addison Summer's".

I freeze, did I just hear that right, did people actually vote for me, a  light shines on me but I'm still in shock.

"Go on Ad" Robby says nudging me.

I walk up to the stage nervously and standing next to Nick as they place the Tiara on my head, The crowed cheers and I can't help but smile.

"May I present our new prom king and queen" The girl yells "now they will do the tridional king and queen slow dance".

Nick grabs my hand and leads me back to the dance floor stopping in the centre, the music starts and Nick starts swaying to the song.

"So are you enjoying prom so far" he asks.

"Its amazing" I answer.

"I was thinking after we finish this dance we head up to the room I booked" he says with a wink.

"Sounds amazing" I giggle.

We finish the dance before heading to Robby and Justin to say our good byes, after we got to our room on the second floor, the room is huge with a massive kings sized bed and massive bathroom it even has a large balcony.
Nick grabed me pining me to the wall as he slides his tounge up my neak causing a shiver to run through my body.

"I've wanted to do this to you all night" Nick moans unzipping my dress letting it pool at my feet, he picks me up carrying me to the bed where he leans on top of me as he unbottons his shirt.

"What do you want Addison" he asks.

"You" I moan pulling him closer.


Nick fell asleep an hour ago and I've been sitting outside on the balcony looking up at the stars, I think about how much my life changed from one with fear of being beaten and when I will eat next to one were I'm care free and loved by everyone.
How much I've changed from the scared little mute girl who was to shy to stand up for herself to a confident person who giggles and laughs and has the worlds best boyfriend.
I know it was hard getting here but I'm so glad it was worth the wait, all the fighting and injurie, the bruises and burn the scares and memories were all worth it to finally be with Nick.

I'm brough out of my thoughts by the sound of rustling, my head snaps in the direction but see nothing, its almost midnight so most people should be asleep by now.

"Hello" I call out "Nick is that you".

"Guess again sweetheart" the all to formiula  voice sings.

My father steps out of the shadows smirking at me.

"Having fun daughter" he chuckles.

"W-what do you want" I stutter.

"You of course" he says.

"Why" I ask.

"Because your mine" he sneers "now" he yells.

Someone grabs me from behind holding me tight, I try to wriggle out but there to strong for me.

"Don't take this the wrong way darling" I hear my fathers voice "but it needed to happen".

A cloth is placed over my mouth forcing me to breath in the wet cloth, I feel myself get sleepy and my eyes go heavy but I try to stay awake, I have to get to Nick he will help me.

As if reading my mind my father responds "he can't save you this time".

Everything goes dark but I try to keep the image of Nicks face in my head because I don't know when or if I will ever see him again.

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