chapter 17: Addison

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Me and Nick cuddle on his bed till we both caught our breath, I lay on top of his damp chest as hes chest slowly rises and falls.

"Are you sure your ok" he asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I say.

I'm a little sore but its nothing compared to the rest of my body, Nick pulls me up so that hes sitting up and Im laying against his chest, he turns the tv on and we watch a movie together, it starts to get dark soon and Nick pauses the movie to grab us some dinner, he pulls some pants on and turns back to me.

"I'll be right back" he says then leaves the room.

I lay back on the bed and think about today, I finally have someone that cares about me, to love me.

'What if he doesn't' my thoughts rain in before I can stop them, ' what if hes just being nice' 'what if I'm just a burden on him' 'what if my dad finds me' 'what if he hurts me' 'what if he hurts Nick' 'I should just go'

I know most of these are true, I'm just a burden, I should just leave. I start to cry my greatest fears taking over me, I feel the walls closing in around me at just the thought of these things, my breathing gets heavy and soon I'm finding it hard to breath, my trembles and I can't control my body as wild sobs escape my lips, the door opens and Nick walks in a large smile plastered on his lips but as soon as he see's me he run to my side.

"Whats wrong" he asked.

But I can't respond because of my breahing.

"Its ok baby, its ok" he says calmly wraping his strong arms around me "just breath".

I start to calm down a little, but my trembling doesn't slow same with my sobs.

"I-I should just g-go" I stutter.

"What" Nick asks suprised "were is this coming from".

I try to get up to leave but Nick holds me in his arms refusing to let me go.

"I s-should g-go" I say again.

"No" he says.

"B-but I'm just a b-burden" I sob.

"No your not baby, I want you here" he says softly.

"But he will find me, he always does" I say.

"Who, your dad" he asks, and I nod.

"He will kill me" I sob.

"No he won't, not with me around, I promise I won't let him touch you" he says.

We stay like this for awhile till I finally settled down, Nick strokes my hair and holds my in his arms, we eat some dinner and Nick praticly forces me to eat, I finally fall asleep in his arms to the soft rythume of Nicks heart.

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