chapter 13: Addison

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I fall onto the hard floor and hit my back, a loud whimper escaped my lips before I could stop it, Nick races into the room franticly looking for me, he see's me on the floor and I hear him gasp.
I look down at my hands and my sleves are pushed up revealing my many scares, I quickly pull the sleeves down but its to late, Nick has already seen the damage.
He kneels down infront of me pushing my sleeves up.

"What is this" he asks confused.

I look down as tears spill out.

"Did you do this to yourself" he asks.

I nod the tears running down my face, he lifts my chin up and pulls me onto his lap I snuggle into him letting the tears flow.

"How could you do this to yourself" he says holding me tight.

I keep crying.

"Is there anything else" he asks.

I look up into his eyes and see the despreat plea for me to let him help, so I get of his lap and slowly lift my shirt and pants of till I'm just in my bra and underwar, I wince in pain as the shirt leaves my skin, tears run down his cheeks as he see's my body, cuts, bruises, burns and scares are all over my body and all my fresh wounds from last night still have fresh blood coming out of them.

"Did your father do this" I nod in responce "how could he do this to you".

"B-because it w-was my fault s-s-she died" I stutter, my voice is horsey and dry from not talking in a long time.

"What, who" he asks.

"My m-mun" I say " she died g-giving birth to m-me"

I start to cry and Nick brings me back onto his lap and craddles me.

"No its not, it was never your fault" he says.

"Y-yes it is" I cry " s-she died b-because of me a-and now no one loves m-me".

"Thats not true" he says.

"Yes it is, w-who would l-love me I'm just a ugly, fat no one" I wail.

"Thats not true because I love you" he says.

I'm shocked I never expected him to say that.

"W-what" I ask.

"I have loved you since the moment I saw you and I still do" he says.

"I-I love you t-to" I say.

He leans in and kisses me passionatly on the lips, and when he pulls away I'm out of breath.

"Can I help bath you" he asks

I nod because I now I won't be able to do it myself, he lifts me up with his strong hands and pulls my underwear off me and unclasps my bra, I blush as he looks at me, I try to cover my ugly body but Nick just pulls me into anouther hug.

"You don't need to hide from me" he says into my hair "your beautiful in every way"

He runs a warm bath for me, and when its the perfect tempreture he helps me in, I look up at him as he starts to undress to, I'm confussed but don't stop him, he takes his underwear off and I look at his manhood and blush, the rest of his body is tan and musclie, he hops in behind me and grabs a cloth, he gentle washes my wounds around my body till theres not a trace of blood on me, he gentle kisses my neck till he finds my soft spot I moan softly at the pleasure.

"I love you Addy" he whispers in my ear.

"I l-love you t-to Nick".

Hey guys I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm going to be gone for awhile so I won't be able to update for at least 3 weeks, I'm really sorry but I promise I'll update as soon as I can.
Love you all.

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