chapter 48: Addison

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I wake up to Angel wraped up in my arms, I smile snuggling closer to her, she kisses my cheek causing me to giggle, I remember who I saw last night and my smile vanishes.

"Morning love" Nick kisses my lips.

"Morning" I say back.

"Ready for school" he asks.

"Ten more minutes" I moan.

"I wish" he says picking me up.

I squeel as Nick carries me downstairs with Angel stumbling behind us, we have a quick breakfast before heading to school, when we arrive Nick walks with his hand drapped around my shoulder keeping me close we head  to my locker getting my books before heading to class but something caught my eye making me stop in my tracks to get a better look, I walk over to the poster looking at the large writing "Prom Night This Friday" Nick see's what I'm looking at and smiles.
Rob walks up to us and smiles.

"Hey Robby" Nick greets him "do you mind taking Addison to class I have to go do something".

"Yeah no problem" Rob says happily.

He takes my hand resting it in his lopped arm guiding me to our first class, he makes sure I'm laughing the whole time, I have to say Robby is one of my bestest friends here and I love his company.
We get to class early, Robby sits next to me and we wait for class to begin.

"Rob" I say.

"Yeah what is it Ad" he uses my new nickname.

"Are you going to prom" I ask and he tenses at the question.

"Yeah I am" he rosponds.

"Do you have a date already" I can't help but ask.

"Yes" he says.

"Do I know her our does she go to another school" I ask.

He sighs looking into my eyes before sighing again "he goes to this school".

I gasp but keep smiling, I didn't realise that  Rob was gay but who cares so long as hes happy.

"Really who is he" I ask turning my seat.

He looks at me shocked like I grew another head.

"You don't care" he asks.

"Why would I care" I say "so long as your happy it doesn't matter".

He smiles "thank you, your the first person I've told" he says "please don't tell anyone, I know there going to find out on prom night but I would rather wait".

"Say no more, I get it I won't tell a sole" I say "now whos the lucky guy".

"Justin" he says shyly.

"Hes cute" I say.

Our convication continues till the room starts to fill and class begins, I start to worry Nick hasn't arrived yet and class is almost finished.
Suddenly muusic starts to blare throught the speakers, wildest dream by Taylor Swift to be exact.
The class room door opens disturbing the already disturbed class, Nick walks in holding more then a dozen red roses and smiles at me as the music keeps going, Nick makes his way to my table kneeling on one knee handing me the roses, the class stares at us stunned except for Rob who just smirks.

"Addison you are the most beautiful girl I have ever met, you are the strongest person I know and your smile makes me so happy" he confeses "now will you make me the happiest person her and go to prom with me".

"Yes of course" I say jumping out of my seat and into Nicks arms.

We kiss and soon the class erupts in applause and cheers, even the teacher is clapping, I've never been happier then I was at that moment.

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