Home Again

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Stiles stared at him

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Stiles stared at him. His eyes wide, he had believed he'd never see his father again. When he'd lain down to die, he hadn't thought of the pack, Malia, Lydia, Scott or even Melissa, he had thought, he had always thought of his father.

The Sheriff looks at Stiles, his eyes going up and down Stiles now completely healed body. A number of different emotions ran through his expression all at once, so many Stiles couldn't read them and Scott was even more on edge beside him.

Stiles knew it had been cruel but Scott was the one who bit him, so Scott should be the one to tell his father what happened.

His father's eyes narrowed, eyes zeroing in on the now cowering Alpha next to Stiles.

But he then schooled his features and simply instead asked softly "Was there no other choice?"

Scott shook his head quickly.

He looked at Stiles again, his expression not easy to read.

Stiles stepped slowly forward, his palms sweaty, his nerves on edge, his heart feeling like it would pound out of his chest.

"Dad-" Stiles croaked, his voice horse and his eyes stinging.

Then his father suddenly pulled Stiles in for a huge hug. His arms wrapping around Stiles tightly. Who tensed a little when he felt his father trembling a little against him. His eyes wide with shock Stiles realized the Sheriff was crying.

How long...

How long had it been since his father had cried in front of him?

Not since his mother...

His father hugged him like they were saying their goodbyes and Stiles would soon vanish into thin air.

"I-I almost lost you. I thought-I thought...Oh god, you're alive" His father choked out.  

And soon Stiles was crying to.

His father didn't hate him! Didn't care what he was, whatever he was. And..he felt so relieved.

The Sheriff finally let him go, standing up to face Scott, who stared back, eyes misty but also he looked like he was ready to bolt if the Sheriff tried to shoot him with a gun, which could actually happen.

He took a deep breath, looking at Scott then gave the Alpha a watery smile but with the most serious tone Stiles had ever heard "Thank you, thank you for saving my son"

Scott's eyes widened at being addressed that formelly but he noticed with a start the Sheriff was looking at him differently. He no longer saw a teenager that was forced into a role to big for him to handle on his own. He saw a man, trying to do what was best for the town and his son.

Scott had grown up without him realizing the Sheriff thought with a smile.

Scott stood a little taller, a little straighter at Stiles father's proud and ever so greatfall look and realization.

He had done what he came here to do. With a nod from Stiles and a promise he'd call him later Scott left. Feeling for once, in a long time, proud and peaceful.

Though what wasn't so peaceful was at night, after a couple of hours Stiles was able to finally convince his father he could be left alone to sleep in his bedroom. But he couldn't get to sleep, not even a wink.

Cars driving past.

Bikes driving past.

People on phones.

People chatting in the next street.

Trains a couple of miles away.



The worms in the earth.

Stiles, Stiles could hear everything. And he couldn't stop, not for a second. 

Stiles didn't get a wink of sleep that night...

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