To Be Normal...

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"Stiles, you don't have to do this" Scott told him for the one hundredth time on the phone, worry clear in his voice

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"Stiles, you don't have to do this" Scott told him for the one hundredth time on the phone, worry clear in his voice.

"And I've told you, I do" Stiles retorted, picking up a coat and putting it on, getting ready for school.

He knew why Scott didn't want him to go to school, but he needed this, he needed to feel...normal. He couldn't sit at home, doing nothing but thinking what happened to him, he couldn't.

Stiles drove to school, though he did notice that his hands were shaking a little on the wheel but not because he was nervous or cold in fact...

Stiles felt energised. His whole body buzzing with energy. He'd never felt like this before.

With a grin, Stiles parked his jeep and jumped out of it, slamming the door behind him with a little bit to much force.


He was quickly greeted by the pack.

Lydia hugged him, he hugged her back.

"You okay dude?" Scott asked him.

Stiles rolled his eyes "Yes! How many times?" 

He added "And actually I feel great!" 

Stiles slapped Scott on the back playfully as he made his way to school "Come on puppy!"

Scott huffed but ran after him but sharing a look with Kira at how Stiles was acting. Scott thought he'd be very nervous because of what he was like yesterday but it was like he was watching a completely different Stiles, one who'd never been tormented by the Nogitsune, there was a light back in Stiles eyes.

Their first class started and Scott noticed Stiles fidgeting a lot more than normal, his fingers tapping on the desk constantly. His legs moving up and down a little bit.

A couple of students glanced at him irritably.

Stiles face seemed a little flushed as well? 

Once the class finished. Scott quickly walked up to Stiles "You okay?"

Stiles rolled his eyes but then he frowned as they walked to their next class "Yeah, um when is lacrosse?"

"We have it on Wednesday's, remember?"

Stiles wiped sweat from his forehead "Dam"

"What is it?" Scott wondered.

Stiles frowned, he looked down at his hands, flexing them a little. He noticed they were trembling but not because he was feeling down, everything inside him ached to move, to use the now constant energy flowing through his veins that was making he feel so hyper like he'd eaten one hundred tons of sugar and energy drinks.

He tried to explain this to Scott.

But like Stiles, Scott just looked even more confused.

"I felt stronger and I guess with more energy but not the amount you're describing to me" Scott told him, concerned.

Stiles groaned "Great, I'm a freak"

Their next lesson happened before lunch, they had it with everyone apart from Liam. They all had to do a essay, preparing for their big exam at the end of the year.

As Stiles started the essay, he started to notice something.

Just like last night his hearing started to attune into everything.

The heartbeats of the students and teacher.

Chatter from different classes, very close by to the opposite end of the school.

The humming of electric devices.

Cars outside, people talking inside the cars passing the school.

Nearby houses.

Any student making a noise, whether tapping, playing with their pencil, or writing, or fidgeting was heightened to a almost deafening degree that made Stiles want to scream.

He couldn't take it!

Stiles stood up suddenly making a run for the bathroom, ignoring his teacher shout after him and his pack shocked looks. Stiles grasped the sink, heaving as he tried to focus, his super-hearing slowly died down as he gasped in shock, looking in the mirror.

His eyes!

They were silver with blue flecks in them and seemed to be even brighter than before. But in a matter of seconds they were gone and his eye color was back to normal.

But then-? 


Stiles whiled around shocked, he though Scott would have come after him, not...Kira?

"Hi. Um Scott and everybody weren't aloud out, so just me" She said shyly.

They didn't usually talk that much.

"You okay?" Kira asked gently, walking up to him.

"Yes, no, I don't know" Stiles muttered, looking down.

"What is it?" Kira asked.

"I thought I could handle it. I felt great like an hour ago but then I started to hear, everything" Stiles said, frowning, he added looking at Kira's concerned and worried expression "Its stopped now, but I couldn't control it"

"You'll learn that control" Kira told him confidently.

"What if I don't? What if-" Stiles quickly started to say, feeling panic rise inside him.

Kira suddenly did something unexpected, she grabbed his hands.

Stiles eyes widened in surprise.

"You know, when I first got my powers I didn't realise what I was either, I was terrified Stiles. But I got through it and you will to" She told him.

Stiles felt himself relaxing a little, despite himself.

Suddenly as Stiles was just about to thank her, he felt a warmth in his eyes, as they changed colour to the silver and blue.

They were both shocked when Kira's eyes flared the fire kitsune orange in response.

In that moment the two supernaturals felt more connected then they've ever been with each other.

Though what came out of Kira's mouth was maybe the reason why as she finally recoginised what he was...

"Fox" She whispers. 

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