After a deadly battle with darkness. Stiles suffers mortal wounds. Despite Stiles wanting to die as a human, unable to live life without his best friend Scott bites him.
At first it doesn't look like its had that much affect other than to save his...
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They stared...
After following a long winding path, deeper into the ground, where rocks and roots were crushed together, making a path.
The path came back with an edge over a cliff. It became smaller and smaller.
"It is a little to late to tell you I'm scared of heights?" Kyle asked suddenly.
Stiles rolled his eyes.
"Just don't look down"
"Thanks" Kyle said sarcastically.
"You said the owl comes from the spirit world?" Malia wondered.
"Yeah, why?" He asked.
She shook her head as she said " Nothing, just sounds familiar but I don't know why"
Stiles frowned, was it him or did Kyle look nervous at that and seemed to pale rather quickly? However he was not the only one who noticed this reaction. Malia gave Kyle a odd look. Was it them or did he look guilty?
"Yeah, I think I read about the Kikyaon somewhere" She said, trying to remember.
"The bestiary?" Stiles wondered.
"Yes!" She said, clicking her fingers as the words came back to her. At Stiles look she shrugged "My boyfriend could be killed by a giant owl. I had to look it up"
"Well? What did it say?" He asked quickly.
Malia started to speak but stopped suddenly "It said..."
She trailed off and suddenly looked at Kyle, her eyes narrowing as she said softly "It said..."
The dark fox looked away from her and that's what she needed. Suddenly Malia grabbed Kyle by the throat and slammed him against the wall.
"Malia!" Stiles cried.
"It's your fault! What did you do?!" She hissed.
The dark fox didn't reply, turning red with lack of air.
Though struggling Stiles managed to pull Malia from Kyle, putting himself in-between them. He eyed Kyle though a little coldly. He trusted Malia.
"What is going on?" He demanded.
"He lied" Malia growled.
Before Stiles could ask Malia snapped "The owl isn't a omen of death. Its a omen for revenge. Revenge from the spirit world. Nogitsune's are not the only ones that get easily offended!"
"Kyle? Is there something you want to explain to us?" Stiles asked, with an air of ice, crossing his arms.
Glaring at the Dark Fox.
So sorry this chapter was so short! There is more but the way I wrote it I believed it flowed better like this. Anyway hope you enjoy! x