The Person I Am?

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Stiles sat on the vets table, feeling a little bit like a pet being prodded and poked as Deaton took samples, making interesting noises as he did so

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Stiles sat on the vets table, feeling a little bit like a pet being prodded and poked as Deaton took samples, making interesting noises as he did so. Deaton had looked a wary at first but soon the curiosity about what was going on with Stiles got the better of him.

Stiles looked up, feeling himself tense. Something stirred inside him as his friends came into the room, they all looked worried. Stiles pushed the urge down. Lydia, Liam, Kira and Scott walked in. Liam and Kira looking a little wary. But Lydia ran up to him, giving him a huge hug.

"I'm so glad you're okay" She whispered.

Stiles smiled warmly at her in return, not sure what to say.

He looked at Scott, who stepped forwards looking at his pack.

"I told you why you're here. Um, Stiles?"

Stiles looked down at the ground and said shakily " I can't control it"

Scott nodded, knowing what he had to do. When Stiles looked up at him, Scott flashed his alpha red eyes. Stiles own flared in response. Everyone stared at the silver and blue eyes.

Deaton flashed a light in his eyes, watching his eyes glow a little, like wolf eyes reflecting the light. But he wasn't a wolf.

"Fascinating" Deaton muttered.

Scott noticed a strangely familiar smell coming from Stiles. A supernatural scent but it wasn't that strong and he couldn't figure out where he had sensed something like that before.

"So? You got anything?" Stiles asked, feeling a little desperate for answers.

"A little bit" Deaton said. 

Everyone turned to the vet.

"Well?" Scott asked, feeling impatient.  

Deaton frowned and said "I think you are still transitioning into something. Only when your transformation finishes I will be able to tell. Though I think I do know why its happening"

"Why?" Stiles asked, trying not to chew his fingers nervously.

"Its rare but sometimes the shape you take reflects the person you are"

Stiles almost choked a little, his eyes widening in a fear.

The person he was?

What's that supposed to mean?

Images of Jackson turning into a Kanima flashed through his mind.

Oh god, what was he turning into?

What if-


Someone grasped his shoulder.

Stiles looked up shocked, to see Scott had his hand on his shoulder, comfortingly and firmly.

"You'll be okay. I promise" He said.

"We promise" Lydia added with determination.

Stiles looked at the pack, feeling a rush of pride for them all and happyiness they were all there for him. They had his back.

And yet, despite their support...

Why did he still feel like it might not be enough?

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