The Pack

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Stiles slipped a little as they climbed out of the cave and trees into reality. Scott grabbed him, pulling him up as they stood up to face their pack and Kyle.

"You're back" Lydia said, smiling with such brightness, Stiles swore he was almost blinded.

Despite her smile, she gave Scott a questioning narrowed eyed look, which he smiled back and nodded. With that Lydia beamed and suddenly she brought Stiles into a hug, who tensed a little but soon relaxed into it.

The pack surrounded him.

Liam looked away at first but he looked a little surpised as Stiles gave him a small smile which he returned hesisently. Stiles didn't blame Liam, he knew he'd been pretty horrible to him at the full moon.

Kyle said, looking uncomfortable, standing a little stiffly, next to the reunited pack "Well thanks, I guess I'll see you around.."

He turned to leave quickly, in a hurry to go but Stiles stopped him, standing in front of him.

"Wait! You're not leaving are you?"

His voice pleading. In the short time they'd known each other the boys had formed a strong connection. 

Stiles knew weeks ago, hell days ago he would not have thought it would hurt so much in the chest, the thought of Kyle leaving.

"Don't worry, you'll see me around" He told Stiles comfortingly.

The alpha werewolf watched them interact but instead of feeling jealous. he saw how much Stiles seemed to trust Kyle and how they interacted...

Scott stepped forward.

Kyle tensed.

"You were there for him when I wasn't. You helped him when I just turned my back. I-If you're staying in town, well my packs full of different supernaturals. I don't think anyone would mind one more" Scott offered seriously and kindly.

Stiles looked at him, stunned. Scott was offering Kyle a place in his pack?! Stiles looked at him hopefully.

Kyle's eyes widened, he looked shocked.

"Seriously?" He said.

Scott nodded.

He looked at everyone in the pack. Including Stiles who looked eager.

Kyle backed up, it seemed rather sudden, him? A Nogitsune in a pack? He was so used to him and his father being shunned for what they were but-but...this?

Something warm swelled up inside.

"I'm...not sure. Maybe? I'll need some time to think it over?" He told them.

"That's okay" Scott replied, knowing it was a big decision. Stiles beamed at Scott for him offer. He really hoped Kyle would take it.

The dark fox turned to leave but then turned back, glancing at Stiles then looking at the pack he said "You know, what ever I decide I'm leaving with my father for a day, on the full moon, so good luck"

Scott blinked and asked slowly "What's that suppose to mean?"

He gestured towards Stiles "He has and he'll have extra power from that tail. The full moon is in two days time" 

He smirked a little as they all glanced warily at Stiles and looking shocked. With that he walked away.

But Stiles knew, he felt it in his gut they would definitely see him again.

He never thought a couple of days ago he would miss Kyle but Stiles knew he would. So he hoped the dark fox decided to stay. He really did.

Thinking about it, glancing up into the sky Stiles did feel a little stronger than he had been. It felt good but he wasn't ashamed of that.

He looked at Scott and said scratching the back of his neck nervously.  "Um whatever I do on the full moon, in advance, I'm sorry"

Stiles brother shook his head and chuckled, then he slung his arm around Stiles shoulders and said comfortingly "Don't worry. Whatever happens I'll help you and we'll deal with whatever's coming. Together"

"Together" Stiles agreed.

Finally, he was home and he felt like...he was worth this.

"Don't forget about me" Malia said sweetly, with a grin, standing next to him, going and she kissed Stiles on the cheek, who blushed happily.

"Or me" Lydia said coming to stand next to Scott and Stiles. Finally they were together, they both were idiots, she thought but she loved them both anyway.

"Or me" Kira said, repeating Lydia. She shared a loving look with Scott and then she grinned at Stiles, who returned it. Their eyes flashing silver and firey orange. Both fox's knew they were going to get along for many years to come.

Liam nodded, standing next to Scott. He and Stiles nodded to each other respectively and Liam grinned up at Scott who smiled warmly back.

The pack was together and ready to face what ever came next.

And nothing would split them up this time. They were sure of it.

Stiles couldn't stop himself from smiling. Scott's voice hovered inside his head, its not your fault. He didn't feel like that completely yet but he knew with his brothers help he could work on it. Stiles had always been a critical person and looked to the future with skeptemism. 

But for once in his life, he felt like he was ready.

And he looked to the future with hope and confidence.

He could do this.

They could do this.

And they would.


That is the end to this story. I really hope you enjoyed it! Some things I left unexplained so If I wanted to do a seqaul I could use that. I don't know if I will or not yet but if I do it will be on my tumblr blog at some point. And also thank you SO MUCH for your support. It really brightens my day to know people read this story, especially the ones who voted and commented, thank you so much for that and special thanks to you. You know who you are and I'd love to give you all hugs! THANK YOU X

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