Silver Lining

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"I'm becoming a kitsune?" Stiles said is disbelief and frustration

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"I'm becoming a kitsune?" Stiles said is disbelief and frustration. 

He walked with the pack, they were walking to their next class. All of them apart from Liam. Everyone looked very worried but Kira shook her head "You can't be. You have to be born one. It can't be passed on like becoming a werewolf" 

"This makes no sense" Lydia sighed. 

"Tell me about it" Stiles grumbled, stuffing his hands in his pockets. 

Scott stayed silent, though shooting Stiles concerned looks. 

In the next class, Stiles found out he had the exact same problem. Well almost. 

He started to be able to hear everything and smell everything. 

There were so many scents! Some he'd rather not smell while others... 

Others were quite the delight, some perfume a couple of girls in the class, delightful scents from the forest and flowers outside, though most of this was clogged out with pollution in the air. He could also smell other teenagers with BO and certain rubbish tips nearby, well when he said nearby, he probably meant a couple of miles away. 

 He could smell all of this and Stiles eyes started watering and he felt sick. His hearing was becoming to much again as well, how did Scott and Kira cope with this?! Stiles felt a headache coming on. 

Come on Stiles, he thought, get it together! He could do this.. 

A minute in class and... 

"I can't do this!" Stiles gasped, everything was just to much!

He could barely hear himself think!

Not caring about anything, Stiles rushed from the class once again, ignoring the teacher call out to him. He was in the toilet once again, would this start to be a familiar place for him? Stiles let out a groan, trying to control his new senses that were literally driving him insane. 


He relaxed a bit at hearing his brothers voice but his voice wavered as he asked "How do y-you cope with this? I didn't realise it would be like this!"

"Even though you're new it shouldn't be this bad, even for Kitsune's" Scott said, worried, walking up to Stiles quickly, steadying him. 

"Great, I'm a freak of the supernatural" Stiles hissed. 

"Hey! You're not a freak, stop saying that" Scott growled. 

 Scott grabbed Stiles shoulders, aggressively turning Stiles to face him, who looked at Scott startled. 

"Then...what am I?" He asked, his voice trembling. 

"You're Stiles" Scott told him firmly, giving him a warm smile and though with some hesitation Stiles returned it.

"Scott can you, look at me with your supernatural eyes?" He asked slowly. 

The alpha nodded, his eyes turning red but they widened quickly at what he saw. He could now see a slight aura around Stiles, shaped, like Kira's but it was silver and not orange like Kira's and much fainter. Stiles's supernatural scent was much stronger as well. 

Whatever Stiles was... 

Scott had a feeling they'd all know very soon... 

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