Another One

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They were late into the class. Everything was fine for a couple of minutes but then they sensed him or they really sensed it.

Kira had the most reaction to its presence. She trembles, her hands shake. Her instincts warn her of danger and her eyes flash her supernatural colour.

She looks at Malia and Stiles, did they sence it as well?

They had.

They both were incredibly tense.

There was another Kitsune in class and it wasn't Kira.

They looked around quickly, trying to see if there were any new students.

Kira spotted him.

She felt a dark presence from him, her hands clenched into fists.

Stiles and Malia followed her eye line both tensing up as they saw who she was looking at.

The new student had black hair and dark tanned skin. He wasn't paying attention to them and was in the front desks.

Stiles scowled, was him or did this guy smell of amusement?

Amusement directed towards them?

He bit down on the urge to growl and threaten the new comer. His own instincts telling him this guy could be a big threat to him, to them, to his pack.

Oh he so did not need this right now!

His own new instincts rushed through his veins at this different presence he was not used to, making all his senses much more alert than they had ever had been. 

He could hear the boys heart beat, the boys breath and see his muscle movement clearly as if he was preparing for an attack, even though Stiles knew logically the new student wouldn't do anything in public. 

The class was over before it had even started. It had gone so fast but maybe that was because they all had been two worked up over this new supernatural in the class.

"I'm texting Scott" Kira said right away as soon as it ended.

"Oh no you're not" Stiles huffed.

Kira frowned "This isn't the time for-"

"Scott is an alpha. If I was a new supernatural I wouldn't feel okay with being confronted by one on my first day of school if I am trying to blend in" He said.

"He's right. We all know Scott's a softie really but most alpha's aren't like Scott" Malia said.

Kira sighed, closing her phone "Okay, what should we do?"

Stiles turned around to where the new guy was just getting out of class, heading to the guys locker rooms, his eyes narrowed.

"I know what to do

The new student smirked as he rummaged around in his bag, knowing he's made a impression on the other supernaturals.

He knew he shouldn't but he honestly couldn't help himself.

It was fu-

Suddenly he blinked, looking up, startled as three people stood in front of him..

Stiles, Kira and Malia glared down at the boy.

He chuckled, straightening to his full hight.

"What are you?!" Stiles demanded.

"Down to the point are we?" He said grinning then added "You three must be pretty new at this. You should be able to know what I am" 

"Give you three guesses" He said mockingly.

"Kitsune" Kira said stiffly then said coldly "You came here without permission. I don't care what type. Any Kitsune should have permission from my mother to be here"

"Ah but I think you will care if you hear it. Though you all are pretty unusual yourselves, standing with each other. Especially you"

Stiles tensed up as the new kid looked at him with interest.

"How do you know what I am?" He growled.

The boy snorted "Please. Your kind is so rare, your scent is easy to pick out, so...unique"

Malia growled.

"Easy" He smirked.

"A fox, kitsune and coyote all in a line. Now this is different" He chuckled.

Stiles just didn't understand why everything about this kid sent him on edge.

Now he could smell his scent properly without any other humans around and- and it sent spirals of out of controlled terror through his heart.

A familiar terror that he had felt before.

Locked in a his own dreams being haunted by a-

Stiles stepped backwards, his eyes wide.

 "I know what type of Kitsune you are!" He said shakily.

The new students eyes seemed to get darker with amusement"Then say it"

Stiles growled "Nogitsune" 

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