Chapter 40

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Naya POV

"Come on Emmy, Lucy, we're going for a walk in the park" I called my pups, getting ready for a run in the park myself. Steffie and I hadn't seen each other for a while and filming was still on hold. The fight with Heather, about Demi, was solved and I also had called Demi, saying we had to meet up once she had the time. My pups came running to me and I put on their leach, so they were all ready to leave with me.

Stretching in Central Park, I saw I wasn't the only person who decided to be sportive. I saw others jogging, playing basketball and even a few that were roller blading. One couple stood out to me, one was on inlineskates while the other was running or I must say walking next to her. Just when I looked away a blonde woman captured my attention. She was dropped off by an all black car and was handed her briefcase before the car took off again. As she walked further into the park, I noticed she was going to the odd couple I was observing before. The blonde waved, trying to get the attention of the woman without the skates. When the girl turned around, I noticed it was Steffie and my fluttered up. Only when the newcomer kissed her, I felt my heart aching with pain. I thought she said she loved me, but why would she kiss and hug the woman then? Was it maybe because she was blonde?

Finishing my run in Central Park, I decided to go to the hairdressers, Ryan wouldn't mind. Even if he did, I could still wear a wig if needed. Dropping off Emmy and Lucy, I got in my car and drove away. A few hours later my hair was dyed blonde and I felt a bit more confident. Just when I got home I received a text message, "Hey, ready for some filming?" It was from Steffie, wait a minute, filming didn't start till next week. "How do you mean? Filming starts on Monday. Don't you know that, since you're the assistant?" I replied, slightly confused. "Okay, you got me, I just wanted to hang out with you, if you want to of course" Ha, she wanted to hang out with me? After what happened in the park? Did the blonde dump her and was I her second choice? Never the less I replied, saying she could pick me up tomorrow at 10AM.

The following day I prepared myself, for what, I didn't know, so I went for casual. 10 AM on the dot, my bell rang. "Hello Na-" she froze, looking me up and down slowly, resting her gaze on my hair. "Since when are you blonde?" she asked, trying to look elsewhere. "I mean, it's not that I don't like it, it looks great on you, to be honest with you" she quickly added, making me chuckle. "Since yesterday actually, I went to Central Park and then I decided to change it" I replied, not revealing the real reason yet. "Oh really? I was at the park as well, you could have said hi. I kind of missed you" she said with a slight pout, which made her incredibly cute. "I, eh, seemed busy. I didn't want to interrupt your date" I told her honestly, making her frown. "Date? What date? You mean me learning Sam how to inline skate? Or me meeting up with Katrien after five years again?" she asked me, visibly confused, almost begging me with her eyes, to explain. "I have no idea who Katrien is, but you seemed to be really enjoying her company" I said, outing my bottled up feelings, while thinking back about their hug and their kiss. "Naya? Please tell me what you saw, because I believe you have it all wrong" she asked quietly, hurt written all over her face. Well that was definitely how I felt inside, but I wouldn't let it show on the outside. "Yeah, of course I have it all wrong, you suppose I blind, don't you? I saw the two of you, hugging and kissing! Don't even deny it, Sam was there too, she can confirm!" I ended up yelling at her. "What?! I kissed her cheek! She's..She's like my sister Naya! Plus for your information she has a boyfriend, she's straight!" she shot back in shock. Did I see disappointment in her eyes? She was quiet for a while, then looked back at my hair. "Is that why you dyed your hair?" she asked me, coming straight to the point. At first I didn't know what to say, I wanted to say that not everything about me revolved around her. But who am I kidding, I fell for her and yes things started to revolve around her. I cracked and told her the truth. "Fine, yes, I was jealous, I thought you'd like me better if I were to be blonde" I admitted, looking down.

Suddenly I felt a hand lifting my face up, making me look at her. She was smiling widely, making my heart flutter doing so. I caught her switching her gaze between my eyes and my lips, leaning in closer. Wait is she going to kiss me? Do I want her to? Yes, yes I do. Ugh Naya, that's something you say at a wedding. Hmm a wedding, who would I marry t-.. The train of thoughts stopped in my head, when I realised I was leaning in too, I softly cupped her face, finally feeling her lips on mine. I heard a small sigh, right before I felt her smile in the kiss. Slowly she pulled away and when I opened my eyes, I saw a huge grin on her face, creating the same effect on mine. I nearly jumped when I heard a loud squeal, directed at us. Looking around, I expected some strangers to shout obscenities at us, but then I recognised the women. Oh God, now we've done it. Steffie followed my gaze, blushing slightly when she realised who it was. "Hey Naya, Steffie" they said in unison. "H-hey girls" Steffie stuttered, trying to hide her blush. "What are you two doing here?" I asked them, almost scolding. Lea and Heather looked at each other, smirking. "We wanted to hang out with you Nay, you know since the filming only starts next week, but apparently you have other plans" Heather explained, nodding her head towards Steffie, winking at her, causing her cheeks to redden again. "By the way, love your new hair colour Nay" Lea added, "What's the occasion?" Rolling my eyes, I quickly made something up, satisfying Lea. "Erm, if you guys want to hang out with Naya, then sure, I mean you know her longer, so I'll just go home" Steffie said awkwardly. Did she want to leave or was she leaving because of those two? "You know what, why don't we all go bowling?" Heather said, making Lea squeal. I looked at Steffie, hoping she would be ok with it, I didn't want her to leave, she had only just arrived, plus we kissed. I mean I wanted to talk to her about it. I wanted to know if she felt the same I did. "Well, if that's ok with Naya, then sure" Steffie said, looking back at me. "Sure, shall we take your car?" I asked her, but before she could reply Heather interrupted. "Sorry no, we'll have to go with two cars. Naya you're going with me and Lea will go with Steffie" I glared at her, making sure she saw my disapproval. "Ugh, fine, let me get my purse, then I'll join you" I told her, seeing Lea and Steffie walk off to Steffie's car.

The car ride with Heather was quite awkward, she kept asking me questions about Steffie and I'm pretty sure Lea was doing the same to Steffie. Why did they have to come around when they did? Don't get me wrong, I love these girls to dead, but right now I could have been sitting on my couch with Steffie in my arms and watch a sappy movie or whatever it was we were going to do. Looking in the rear view mirror I saw Steffie driving behind us, was she annoyed by Lea's questions and did she blush about the questions Lea posed? "So you have your answer now, don't you?" Heather asked, pulling my stare off of the rear view mirror. "Answer to what?" I asked quizzically. "She laughed, shaking her head. "She likes you, I mean did you see that shit-eating grin?" Thinking back about it, a smile crept back on my face. "We're here, let's get inside, the weather is horrible" Heather told me, just when a lightning cleaved through the sky. "Damn creepy!" She screamed, getting out of the car, just as my door opened. Looking up I saw it was Steffie, holding an umbrella open for me. "Don't want to get your freshly dyed hair to get all wet now, do you?" she joked, holding out her arm for me. Lightly blushing I took her arm, following Lea and Heather, who ran inside, because of the pouring rain.

Once inside Steffie put the umbrella away, motioning for me to take off my jacket, which I did. "Why thank you ma'am" I thanked her in a posh accent, making her smile. In the corner of my eye I saw Heather and Lea watching us, trying to hide their smiles. We went over to the bar to get our shoes and our bowling lane. Steffie, for some reason, was smiling like a dork, but seemed not to be fully aware of her surroundings. Lea noticed as well and bumped into her on purpose. Subtle Lea, I thought. "What are you thinking about?" Lea asked her, winking at me. What's with all the subtle winks today? "Huh? Oh I was thinking about a movie, called Princess Protection Program, it just reminded me of a bowling alley where this girl, a princess, was treated like one even though no one knew she was an actual princess" I heard her explain to Lea, making me chuckle. Really this girl was full of surprises. "Oooh I thought you were thinking about what happened earlier today" Lea told her, making Steffie blush, God how can she be so cute when she's blushing? Heather brought me back on Earth, saying we were going to play in teams, this time I was the first to say something. "Okay, Steffie and I versus you and Lea" I told her, wrapping an arm around Steffie, pulling her close to me, making sure the two of them wouldn't separate us again. "Let's kick their asses!" Steffie yelled, high fifing me, running off to our lane to get started.

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