Chapter 52

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Steffie POV

After a difficult night, with lots of tossing and turning, waking up and falling back asleep, I got up and ready for another day at the set of Glee. In a way I was happy I could get back, but I was afraid that maybe the place would trigger something. But then again, Naya was there and I'm sure seeing her, would help me get through the day. I know I've pushed her away last night, but I needed to, I couldn't let her actions get associated with the ones of Rick.

When I arrived on set, only Lea was around. "Hey girl! How are you?" she called as soon as she saw me. "Hey Lea," I replied, getting over to her, "I'm doing okay I think, trying to process everything that happened the past days, well weeks really". Ryan arrived, quickly coming over to me "Hey Steffie, hope you're feeling better, you didn't have to come you know, I mean I've heard from the hospital you actually had to rest some more?" I shrugged it off "Normally I should yes, but sitting alone in my apartment isn't a good thing really, makes me think and overthink too much, plus if anything happens to me, I know there are people around me here to make sure I'm safe" I told him, smiling at Lea who nodded. Ryan agreed and took off, leaving Lea and I alone. "I'm glad we have you back here, the time you weren't there was a big chaos" Lea laughed, grabbing my hand to lead me to the set. "By the way, I think Ryan has a surprise for you" Frowning I looked at her, "Surprise? Like what?" "Can't really tell you that now, could I? Wouldn't be a surprise anymore" Lea countered, sitting in her high chair, reading over some last lines.

Twenty minutes later the rest of the cast arrived, ready to shoot some more scenes. "Okay everyone, we're going to shoot a scene that's not in your scripts, since it's a surprise. Steffie, I'm going to need you to listen to, you're in it" Ryan announced, making me drop the mug I was holding. "Eh what?" "Surprise!" Lea yelled, giggling when she saw my face. "Since things got way out of hand with Rick, we decided to let you play in one of the scenes, also because you did a great job as assistant, this will be a sort of extra reward. That is if you want to do this?" Ryan asked, looking hopeful. I looked around, all cast members looking at me expectantly. "I erm...I, yes! I'd love to" I finally said. Lea squealed and hugged me, "We're going back in time a bit though for this episode. We'll be shooting in the Spotlight Diner, Santana and Dani are getting to know each other and Rachel is getting her role in Funny Girl. I want Steffie to be one of the other waitresses, who is going to serve some food to our guests. Everyone still remembers their lines?" Ryan asked Lea and Naya. "Em, so Demi is coming as well?" I asked, looking at Ryan. "Well yes of course, would be pretty hard to shoot without her" I nodded, seeing one problem. "Well em, isn't it a problem since in that particular scene she had long blonde hair, but now it's short and neon blue?" I heard a chuckle behind me, which made me turn around. "Wow, do you remember every hair colour I've had?" Demi asked. "Hah, not to be creepy or anything, but yes I guess I do" I chuckled, giving her a hug. "So are you guys ready? Because we have a whole lot of shooting to do"

We all went to hair and makeup, getting ready. "Is there a line I have to say?" I asked nervously, looking up at Ryan from my makeup chair. "Well I have some scripts in mind, one where you have a little role, another is you coming into the shot and walking out after cleaning some tables or taking an order, it's up to you really" I nodded, letting him know I understood, "Well I think I just want the part where I have to walk in the scene, clean some tables and walk back out, if that's okay?" Seeing him nod, my face cleared up. "Alright, so you walk in when Dani is being introduced and Santana is sitting across from her, got it?" "Yes sir!" shaking his head, he walked off, getting ready to shoot the scene.

After a few hours of shooting and reshooting the day was over for me, or so I thought. Walking out of the building, I searched for my phone which was ringing obnoxiously loud. Without reading the ID-caller, I picked up;


?-Miss Vanmuysen, it's a pleasure hearing from you again. I hope you're doing alright after all the past events?

S-Mister Maloy, hi, I, yes thank you I'm doing better. I'm sorry I haven't let you know anything yet, it's all been very hectic.

M-No worries there Miss, the officers called the day you were brought to the hospital, they told me what's been going on. I must ask, are you capable of helping out our students again, or do you still need some time to recover?

S-Oh, I didn't know they contacted you, but I'm glad they did. As for the recovery, I believe my doctors told me to take things slow, but if you want to I'm still able to work as a therapist at your school. Wouldn't want to let the children suffer from the events that happened. And it's only one day in the week so I think I'll be able to handle it.

M-Wonderful, I'll see you on Monday then, have a speedy recovery and all the best wishes to you.

S-Thank you sir, I'll see you on Monday.

M-Have a good afternoon.

S-Thank you, you as well.

The phone call ended and I could go home, taking a relaxing bath, washing away the worries playing in my head. "Hey baby, need a ride?" Naya called, hugging me from behind. "Well only if you're coming home with me?" I purred, turning around in her arms. "Of course, let me take care of my girl, hm?" Grinning I looked up at her, briefly kissing her lips. "Thanks Nay". We walked to her car, driving towards my apartment. "If Sam's home, I'd like to see her for a moment, it's been a while and she's called me over a thousand times while I was in hospital" "Want me to come or? I mean I could drop you off and come back later?" "No, no, I know she loves you, so she wouldn't mind, but maybe we need to go grocery shopping, I'm craving homemade pizzas"

Grinning she took off towards the shop. "Pizzas!" I shouted, drumming my hands on the dashboard. "You are way too hyperactive" Naya grinned, poking me in the ribs. Pouting I looked at her, making her laugh out loud. She parked the car on the curb, getting out with a big hat and some sunglasses. "Want me to wait in the car?" I asked, thinking about the paparazzi and how they didn't know Naya and I were a thing. "Ehm, well if you don't mind?" I slouched down in the passenger's seat, but nodded, "It's alright, I'll message Sam in the meanwhile" Closing the passenger's door again, I took out my phone and texted Sam, asking if she could come by to my apartment to hang out and make some pizzas.

Half an hour later, Naya returned, bags in one hand, hat in the other. "Are you alright babe? I asked as soon as she sat in the driver's seat. "Hm, yes, just some fans who wanted pictures, that's why it took me so long, for just a few ingredients" "No worries babe, glad you're back" I quickly kissed her cheek before she took off again, this time to my apartment. "Sam's coming, we can cook together" I informed her, getting out once we arrived. Naya grabbed the bags while I opened the door letting the both of us in. "Steffie!!" Sam called, hugging me tight, "God, I'm so glad to see you again! How are you?" She looked at me then at Naya and back at me "You've got so much to tell me, sweetie. Ya'know, about the two of you" Giggling I pushed her off, opening my apartment door. "Alright, alright, let us in and we'll talk" I replied, watching Naya and Sam enter. We unloaded the grocery bags, sorted out the ingredients and started cooking, under the rapid fire of Sam's numerous questions.

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