Chapter 10

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Steffie was all cuddled up into me, her head on my boobs and an arm around me. I watched her sleeping for a while, she seems so peaceful, which I thought was odd, since she said she usually had a lot of nightmares. When I saw she was waking up, keeping her eyes closed and moving her arms around a little. Suddenly I felt her softly squeeze one of my boobs, I gasped, then bit my lip, not really knowing what was going on. "Oh shit...Sorry..oh my God! I-I didn't mean to do that.. I thought it was my pillow, it felt so good" she rambled, turning tomato red, "I'm really sorry, you probably think I'm weird as fuck.." I just smiled awkwardly, noticing she still had her hand on my chest "Em, your hand is still there you know" she quickly pulled it back, looking down "Sorry, I really didn't mean to do this, I mean,.. you know.." It was quite funny how embarrassed she was, but then again, she's always kinda funny.

She sat up, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, when she looked at me, she was smiling. "Thank you, you know, for the rest, without you I'm sure I'd have had some nightmares" she said, getting out of bed. "Yeah sure, no problem, but eh you might want to put on some clothes, my mom and dad will want to meet you properly, you know so they know who lives here for a while." I told her, getting out of bed as well. She froze a bit, but quickly recovered, searching for some clothes and a brush. "O-ok, I'll be ready in 5" she replied, with a shaky voice. Okay, she might not be completely recovered. Ah well, I think that's normal, she's only heard me talking about my parents a few times and she has never met them before, unless you count the ride home from the airport.

I walked into the living room seeing mom reading the newspaper, shaking her head on a piece she was reading, mumbling "Fighting for gay rights..Why would you fight for something like that, since God never intended that sin.." I walked up to the table, catching an article underneath the one she was reading "DEMI LOVATO COMMING TO SPRINGFIELD, MO" my eyes lit up, thinking this was a chance to finally meet her. "Mom, did you read the article?" I asked her. "Yes, I did, people shouldn't be fighting for gay rights, it's not normal, being gay is a dissease and gay people should-" "No mom, not that article, I meant the one underneath it, the one about Demi, can I go? pleeeeaaaaseee?" I interrupted her, begging her to go. "But I'm not going with you, nor is your dad and I don't want you to go alone" she said, closing the paper. "But maybe Stephanie wants to go with me? She's an adult, she could take me. Please mom." I kept begging her. "We'll see, it's not that she'll come soon, and the tickets aren't for sale yet, it's just an announcement, okay? By the way, I don't know her yet, neither does your father so, we'll get to know her first, where is she anyway?" my mom asked, getting up and putting the paper away. "She'll be right here, I believe she was putting on some clothes-" I started only to get interrupted by my mom. "And why were you sleeping with her in the same bed?" she asked looking suspiciously at me. "I-I, because it's her first time being here, it's all new for her and she asked me to.. It's not that we were sleeping naked mom" I defended myself, going back to my room to check on Steffie.

I knocked on the door, hearing a muffled "come in" from her. "Hey are you finished? My mom is getting impatient.. I don't even know why. Oh and she thought it was weird for us to sleep together so I told her why you wanted it, if that was ok" I said, handing her her sweater. "Thanks, and no no problem, they would have asked me anyway I guess" she says, pulling her sweater on, giving me a smile, making me grin. "Come on let's go, your parents are waiting" she giggles, running outside the room. I swear, sometimes I don't even know if she's 20 or 5. I follow out of the room and go sit in the couch, with my mom and dad, leaving a separate seat open for her to sit in.

"Okay" my mom says "let's get to know you a little more". "Well, I'm Stephanie, but everyone calls me Steffie, I'm 20 years old. I almost graduated in applied psychology and I'm from Belgium. I've met your daughter online and well we chatted a lot, because I needed some help and MacKenzie was kind enough to give it to me." she started, glancing at me once in a while. "Help with what?" my mom asked. "Well I had some troubles with my parents and in school, I also had a hard time, grieving over my grandparents, who may have died a while ago, but I still grief about them. All because it happened so sudden and totally unexpected. Kenzie, em I mean MacKenzie then told me about her aunt and I felt a connection with her." she said, biting her lip, knowing she touched a sensitive subject.

I tried to keep a straight face, not thinking too much about my aunt right now, I don't want to cry and seem weak in front of my parents. So I looked down for a moment and looked back up fake smiling. I think she got the hint, because she started talking about her future career.

"Do you think you can help MacKenzie?" my mom suddenly asks. Oh no, not again.. "Mom, please, I don't need help, I'm fine on my own!" I interrupted them, making Steffie jump a little, she didn't expect me to interrupt I guess. I got up, going over to my room, while putting Demi on. Why can't they understand I don't need help? I'm 15 for crying out loud, I can do things on my own.. I put the album on repeat and close my eyes. My dad will go on a business trip soon and my mom has an appointment with one of her friends from church so they'll be leaving soon. Just in time, because my favourite show will start in a few minutes and I don't want to miss any of it.

AN: Apologies for the late update, I'm really busy at the moment, but I'm doing my best to write whenever I can.

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