Failure isn't an opition

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"Great, just great! I failed this test! First i fail my math test, then i fail my science test, now i failed my french test!!" I said a bit too loud but a bit too quiet.
"Oi Jessy, what did you get??" Says my best friend Elis as she whips her blonde hair so it falls perfectly into place.
"Umm... Well...I...." I show her my test paper. The look of horror on her face makes me sick. I feel like a complete failure now. I can't pass any test!
"Oh! Ok! Umm... Well like at least you you have got the lucky three in a row, you can't fail anymore than three times in a row." Says she trying to hide the look of disgust on her face. I can tell she is thinking I'm a slack.
"Please don't try and make this into a positive, there's nothing positive about this!"
"Ok fine whatever!" Im annoyed at her tone of voice. Luckily the bell rings stopping me saying something stupid.  We leave the classroom and start heading to our next lesson. We meet up with Jade my other best friend as we all have P.E. Elis is telling Jade about how i failed yet another test whilst we're walking. I'm not listening to what she's saying as I'm too busy looking at the cutest boy in school. His name is Luke. He has short sticky upy hair which is a golden brown color . He has hazel eyes and an amazing smile. All his teeth are perfectly white and all in line. The best bit about Luke is that me and him have been really close friends since we started school. I've known him for about 9 years and he hasn't changed one bit. He still has the childish thing about him but has a mature thing going on at the same time.
He waves at me and I instantly wave back at him. A big smile fills his face as he starts to walk over to me. I can feel my heart beating faster and faster the closer he gets. As soon as he gets to me I can feel my palms starting to sweat.
"Hey Jessy, how are you today?? Oh no! Don't answer that!" He says with his London accent. I can't help but smile at this. I told him about a week ago not to ask me how I am as it annoys me because I never tell the truth. "It's ok..."
"Hey Luke do you want to come to my party on Saturday?" Im interrupted by Jade. Im angry now as I was finally gonna tell the truth but can't now as i was rudely interrupted.
"Jade do you mind?? I'm having a conversation with Luke here, can't you see that??" I say as rude and bluntly as i could possibly manage.
"Yeah, I do mind as I'm trying to have a conversation with Luke. Don't interrupt me!" She snaps back. I start walking away, with a hate vibe. Im so angry and frustrated!
I go into the changing rooms and start getting changed. Shortly after Jade and Elis arrive to get changed. I don't look at Jade for fear of me punching her in the face!
During P.E all i can think about is how I failed my french test and that i can't fail my music test. Also that Jade my 'best friend' interrupted me.
An hour slip past and it was time for my music lesson. I was terrified as I thought I would fail the test. I need to past this test or a least get a C.
In my school, to pass a test you need to get a B or above. But most of the time they accept C as a pass mark.
The tests were handed out and silence fell. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. I tried my best at answering every question, hoping they were right.
"Pens down. Stop writing your test time is over. Please turn over your paper and sit in silence until i have collected every test in this room." Said Mrs Wendaull. I watched as she gracefully collected all the test papers, I was the last one to have my test paper collected as I'm at the end of the register.  The way she danced around the room whilst collecting them was mesmerizing.
"Mrs when are we gonna know our marks?" I ask, hoping it won't be too long.
"You will be given your marks for your test back next lesson." She says. I must have a look of disappointment on my face as Mrs Wendaull looks confused.
Everyone started packing up at the sound of the bell and leaving the room. I was last out. Elis, Jade and Luke were waiting for me.
"You alright?" Says Elis.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I reply back
"Guys we haven't got forever you know. There is a train we have to get on." Says Jade making me laugh.
"Let's go before we miss the train." I say whilst laughing. We all start walking, in hope of not missing the train.

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