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Beep... Beep... Beep.

The continuous sound I hear. I open my eyes slowly and the sound is suddenly revealed.

It's a heart monitor.

I feel a sudden rush of adrenaline run through me and a certain form of panic.

I must have caused my heart rate to go up like crazy as doctors from all corners of the hospital came running in and started pushing liquids throw tubes in me and pushing buttons on the heart monitor and saying 'clear' in deep voices.

I remember white light all around me and a voice screaming 'NOOOOO' really loudly whilst sobbing.

But that's it. Hospital. Doctors. Voices. Screams. Liquids. Sobs.

Although there is another thing I remember. I very clearly remember.

It was this doctor, when they came running in. I heard him say 'the tumor must be pressing on her brain and growing in her lungs, she needs surgery now.' Then a bunch of them arguing before my eyes closed.

Before the white light got to me.


The next thing i remember when white light came flooding in was the noise again.

Beep... Beep... Beep.

It was like my mind was playing tricks on me.

You're alive. You're in hospital. You're dying. You're died. Jokes you're alive.

I didn't understand what was happening.

Why was I in hospital? Where's my Mum? What's happened to me? Where's my friends?

Why was nobody answering me?

Then I knew, my Mum is dead. I'm probably dying. And the world doesn't care about me.

When I finally open my eyes to see why white light is flooding in, I get a shock. Sitting beside me is Elis, Jade and Luke. A nurse is writing something and a few doctors are talking among themselves at the end of the bed.

Elis looks exhausted with her sloppy posture and bags under her eyes. She looks nothing like herself.

Jade looks as if she has just been stopped from having morning sex and is in an incredibly bad mood with her arms folded and neck resting on the chair.

Luke looks like he has just cried for a year straight over a panda's death with his red eyes which I don't think have moved since I show him last which was only today.

Somehow though with all their tried droopy faces they still jumped up and out of their seats launching themselves towards me when they saw my eyes were open.

Although, Jade did so after Elis' and Luke's synchronized launch.

Questions started being fired at me, which I don't think any normal human being could possibly answer.

The doctors had suddenly been aware I was awake by my friends dramatic and unnecessary semi-synchronized launching of themselves.

They came over with a facial expression I couldn't quiet read. All I got from it was sad-thought provoking message about to be conveyed.

I waved an index finger at my lovable friends silencing them and immediately turned my attention back to the doctors, who still had that unreadable facial expression.

The tallest of them all cleared his throat making him seem incredibly sexy. This distracted me from the sad-thought provoking message now being conveyed. And all of a sudden I find an iPad being shoved in my face.

Because of my big throat clearing distraction I took one look at the iPad and immediately said "what games can I play on it?"
The doctors gave me strange looks making me puzzled as to why they were looking at me like that.

Elis notice the uncomfortable silence and broke it.
"Jessy, did you hear what the doctors said?" Curiosity stringed in her voice.
"Not really," I leaned in close so I could whisper into her ear " I got a bit distracted by the doctors sexy throat clearance."

I pulled away to see a disapproving head shake with a hand covering the eyes and eyebrows.

"Doctor would you mind repeating what you said as Jessy was a little bit distracted?" Elis' voice was stern and serious, something which I haven't experienced before.

"Of course," the tallest one says. "Jessy you have a tumor pressing on your brain and you also have lung cancer. Now from what the scans have shown us the lung cancer is stage 3 and the tumor is in a place we can't reach with surgery."

I sit there, my mouth presumably agape. A look of sadness and shock overtake my usual facial expression.

Two question sit in mind. I need to ask them.

"You can fix it though, can't you? With chemotherapy or something?" Fear and sadness linger in my voice.

"Jessy I'm afraid it's terminal so we can't do anything to help fix it."
I feel an uncontrollable flood of tears forming and trying to break free. I won't them, not yet, I still have one more question.

"How long do I have?" I ask, hoping that the doctor will say 'you have forever to live so you fine.' But I know he won't say that.

"3 months."

And with that I stare up at the celling, telling myself I don't need to be strong anymore.

I let the flood gates open and an uncontrollable sob starts. Setting off my three friends. Causing them to hug me whilst we just sit there and sob this away.

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