Revealed at last

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This chapter is not designed to offend anyone in any way. If you feel as if it's racist please fill free to polity say in the comments and I will talk to you about. I don't want anyone feeling hurt by this chapter.

Enjoy, thank you😃

I leave Jade and I's embrace to walk slowly back to the car. Placing my feet ever so carefully for no apparent reason.

My nerves becoming more of a wreck the closer the car becomes.

It seems like years went by when I got to the car. And it seems like years went by when I finally got in the car.

But soon enough those years went, when the car's engine quickly started. We were off and out of the road, before I could blink.

This time Luke is in the back seat with me, Doctor Zac is driving and Jade is seated in the passenger seat.

We drove in silence. No radio on, no Luke yelling, nothing.

I, once again, stared out of the window looking for purpose in my life.

I watched the trees wiz past and out of sight again and again.

But suddenly, Jade's phone buzzes.

She quickly grabs it from her pocket and almost in one motion leaps up out of her seat and smacks her head on the glass window.

"Ouch!" She yells.

All of this caused Doctor Zac to stop driving.

"Guys, guys, guys, GUYS!" Jade yells in excitement and a slightly sad tone.
"It's been released. The report of the train accident!" She says before anyone can blink and ask what has been released.
"Come get out of the car, we need to sit on a log and call Elis and read it altogether!" Again, before anyone could blink she was out of the car and sat on a log.

"Wait! What?" I ask quizally. "What just happened?"

"I don't know." Luke says. We both turn our heads to look at each other and sure enough we both have that same look as each other. The look that's like huuuuuuh!?

Then the car door flings open with Jade saying "Elis is on her way come on guys get out!" And as quickly as that happened she was sat back on the log.

"She seems rather excited." Doctor Zac says to both Luke and me.

"Well it's because Amelia died in the train accident." Luke and I say in unison.

We both laugh at each other and a high five was issued between us.

We hop out the car and join Jade on the log.

It's damp and crumbly.

I'm gonna have a wet bum when I stand up!

As we sit down Elis pulls up and hops out the car trying to put of shoe on and a top at the same time.

"Sorry you called me and told me to come right now and I didn't have many clothes on." Elis says directed at Jade. Then our eyes meet. "Ummm... Hello Jessy."

"Elis." I rod.

"Shall we get this over and done with then. So we can put it behind us." Elis says sitting on the log, forgetting my presence.

And it goes back to how we used to be, the 3 musketeers only there's 4 of us.

Jade starts reading the report. The only thing I really listened to was the number of deaths, which stood at 89, and what the authorities thinks caused. Apparently, according to the FBI and CIA, it was a plotted attack by Islamic State.

But the men behind the attack have not been caught. So they could still be out there.

I'm officially scared.

There was also another thing that I listened to.

In the article, it said the victims names and how they died. The one name that wasn't mention was Amelia's name. And the way she died wasn't mention.


"Jade stop for a second." I pause looking at everyone with an intense stare. "Did anyone else notice that Amelia's name and death wasn't mentioned?" I ask still staring intently at everyone.

"I did." States Elis, surprising me. She actually listen and answered me, even though we haven't spoken since the argument we had!

"Me too." Luke adds in his deep London accent.

"I think we need to find out why!" I state with a raised voice.

Them my attention turns to Jade who is sitting on the very end of the log looking all gloomy and sad.
"It's okay to be sad Jade. After all she was your girlfriend. That's why we have to find out why her name wasn't mentioned. Okay?" I say as I shove Luke out the way so I can sit next to Jade and rub her shoulder.

"Okay." She says wiping a tear away.

"We're gonna do it," I project loud and proudly, "for you." I say in a much softer tone, with a little sad wobble.

I stand up and immediately alert Elis and Luke.

"Right!" I yell in a military tone. "We are going to go to the HQ of the news agency and question them. Well more like interrogate them." I say less military and more humorous. "Who's with me?!" I yell now military style. Elis and Luke leap up and yell.
"Yes ma'm!" Perfect unison.

I was just about to say something when a coughing fit started.

"I'm... O...kay." I say whistle coughing and trying not to die.

It's very hard, you know.

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