The Awaiting News

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What I don't understand is why Elis was talking, well yelling, to Amy and Millie in the first place.

Something is definitely up with her.

I just don't know what...

Ring, ring, ring...

It's the bell. Finally

I push Millie back and walk away.

"Don't you dare say a word of what I said, Elis!!!" Yells Amy and she waggles her finger in Elis' direction. "I mean it!"

"What were you too talking about?" I questioned when I feel we've walked far enough anyway for Amy and Millie not to hear. There is something going on and I wanna know what.

Elis sighs audibly, "Amy and Millie know why your dad was killed." She answers quietly.  I feel my mouth drop to the floor. I don't know what to say or what to ask.

"W-wh-what?" I look at Elis horrified, did she really just say that?

"They also know who killed him." More information from Elis to process.

"Huh?" I'm speechless. I'm confused. I'm angry. I'm emotional. All in one. I can't deal with this. I want to hide away in a corner and cry, but then I also want to kill the person who destroyed my family.

"It was their dad! He killed your dad because he apparently slept with his wife. Jessie, the reason why your dad is dead is because he cheated on your mum with a bikers mum! I'm sorry... but you did ask!" Even more information from Elis I'm must process.

I stop in the middle of the path causing chaos among the students. Luke, Jade and Elis all look at me confused. My breathing becomes more rapid, my heart rate increases. Everything around becomes blurry. I take a step back, then another and stand still once again.

I want to cry. My whole world is crashing right before my eyes and I can stand still and watch. I should take control but I can't. Being told your dads a cheat and killed for it doesn't go down well in your head.

I wonder if mum knows?

Don't be stupid, how could she know?!

I focus on the present and discard my thoughts. I MUST take control.

I clear my throat and pull my shoulders back so I stand tall. I stare blankly at Luke, Jade and Elis for a few seconds.

"Umm... okay. Can we please go home now? Oh and on the way please can we go to the police station?" I feel my eyes popping out my face. I want to force them into saying yes purely from my intense stare which I think is turning into a glare of pain.

"Sure." Luke replies and then walks away in the opposite direction. Jade and Elis walks away with him. I frown.

What just happened?!

I shake my head and walk in the direction that my friends went in.


The journey to the police station doesn't take long.

I hope out of Luke's blue VW and stare at the sign. Sussex Police Station. I feel the need to hold someone's hand but I shake that from my head.

I have to do this alone.

I start walking brushing plants as I go. I stop in front of the door. I take a deep breath in... then SMACK!

Someone had opened the door from inside and wiped me to the floor.

The male approximately 25 notices and helps me up.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to... uh.... are you okay?" He runs a hand through his hair while the other is holding my hand.

I giggle. "Yes... I okay. It was my fault. I just stood behind the door." I giggle again. I lose my balance but feel a hand behind me catch me. It was Luke.

Elis and Jade were standing next to Luke, they all look out of breath.

The man laughs and nods towards Luke acknowledging his presence. "I better get going."

"Okay. Bye." I say as I wave at the man is who now walking away.

"Bye." He says just before he disappears behind a bush.

"Well that was an adventure. Do you feel dizzy? Nauseous?" Luke asks as he takes his hand away from my back.

I fall backwards again. "Yes and yes." He catches me.

"I'll help you get in the police station without getting hit by a door." Luke chuckles as he helps me into the station.

The officer at reception smiles as he sees me enters.

"Hello, how can I help?" He continues to smile.

"My dad was killed 15 years ago and Sussex police investigated it. I was wondering if I could have a look at the files?" I cough, my lungs are burning.

"Umm.... I'm afraid I can't let you take a look." He says as his smile disappears.

"Please." I plead.

"I'm sorry. I can't it's policy."

"Look. I'm dying from lung cancer and I know that killer was never caught. I have had new information which tells who killed my father! I have less than 2 months to live! I have only just remembered my dad! PLEASE!" I yell, tears falling from my eyes.

"Is something wrong here?" I turn to see a women in business wear. She's probably a detective. But something's familiar about her. Her face, I recognise it.

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