Distant thunder

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Pacing up and down the hall way, i anxiously wait for the knock on my door. When i can release all my upset to the one person that i could think of.

A faint tape alarms me. Leaping to the door i feel a tear drop leave my eye. On opening it i saw him. The tall figure with brown sticky upy hair. I know it's Luke no one in the world even remotely looks like him. I invite him in and shut the door behind him. A few silent moments pass then it's broken, by Luke's deep voice.
"Do you wanna sit down in your lounge?"
"Umm yes i guess so." Directing him to the lounge.
Walking into it i scuff some newspapers, out of the way, with my shoe. And just listen to the lovely noise of Luke's shoe and he takes his steps creating a new sound of which, i can't seem to think of the word for it.

I remember my mum making a similar sound as she walked to find her seat. There was a rule with her seat, it's-my-seat-and-nobody-elses.
I find Luke almost sitting in her seat.
"No! You can't sit there!" I yell " it's my mum's seat and the rule is ' it's-my-seat-and-nobody-elses.' " Luke moves to a different seat and plonks himself down.
"Ok..." He clears his throat "why did you call me. You told me that you never wanted to see me again. You can't keep messing with my head like the way you do!"
A sob breaks out from me. "Please, i need help. I don't know what to do anymore. She's gone!" Tears stream down my face and i find myself trying to find some oxygen. Luke somehow is hugging me and telling it's going to be alright. But i know deep down that life will never be the same. Not now, not ever. She's gone and the god damn murder is running free!
"I DON'T UNDERSTAND!!!" The burst of angry comes to a surprise not only to Luke but to myself. I lash out, throwing things, sobbing, shouting things that aren't even words.
"Jessy calm down. You're not gonna kill anybody. Seriously, you're too smart to go to jail." Luke laughs thinking i would find it funny.
"Do you think that i would care wether i go to jail or not? The idiot deserves to die!" I feel my insides burning with anger. Rage could soon turn into murder. And what good would that do...

I stumble into school drunk and high. Elis immediately notices.
"Jessy, what is this?! A circus act?! No this is a school not a hooligan party!" She says waving a finger and yelling in a unbelievably high pitch voice.
I stumble around a little trying to find the correct words but all i managed was "blah...hla... vab!" Then i come to holt and fall to the floor rubbing my eyes because of my blurred vision.
"What does 'blah hla vab!' Mean exactly?" Jade questioned, suddenly appearing from nowhere. Her duck faced look makes me think if I'm just dreaming or that she's posing a deep life meaningful question. But that thought soon ends when i find myself going back in time to the train accident. Living it all over again, going back to same memory of losing her. Crying the same way, begging to bring her back the same way. The feeling passes and I'm passed out the same as i was when the train crashed causing the country to unite and fall into depression.
You know, the country didn't just lose her that day, they lost the president. It was the worse thing since 911. It was so bad the world fell silent to watch the president of the united states of america being pulled out of the train and pronounced dead.
We still don't know what caused the crash, and it's still under investigation. I wish we could just know who killed her. So that Jade can be the same as she was before the crash. So that she can go back to being the joker and in love with the girl who sadly died on that train. I know it may be surprising, but Jade is a lesbian. But since that crash she has never been the same, never looked at any girl the way she did with her.
That made a massive impacted in our friendship. Me and Elis had to be Jade's lifeline 24/7. I mean i love Jade and all but i did wanna tell her to get over it. Does that make me a bad friend? I hope not.

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