The twist

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I woke up on the train, dazed and confused.
"Elis where are we?" I ask
"Jessy you know where we are. Remember the tree? We are almost there." I had no idea what Elis was on about. The tree?? Honestly i think she is messing with me because the big smirk on her face is making me feel uncomfortable.
"Hahaha.... Come on Jessy don't worry. It's not 'the tree' its the tracks." Says Jade giving me a reassuring face. The tracks is where i first had a proper conversation with Luke. I still remember the words he said. The comforting words that made me feel like i mean something to this world. The words that inspired me to become!!
I hear a faint sound, a voice!
"Jessy??Jessy can you hear me?? Jessy wake up!! Jessy....."
I can't feel me legs, my arms, my head, my whole body!!
I come to "what's happened?? Why am i on the floor?? Why do i feel dizzy?? Why can't i feel my body??" I feel a sense of panic coming on.
"It's OK Jessy, it's ok." Hearing Luke's voice makes me feel better. "You just passed out that's it. Nothing too bad."
"I PASSED OUT!!" I exclaim. I sit up and look around, everyone's watching me. I give them all an evil glare and they all turn away.
"How can this be happening?" I ask. But i wished I hadn't. That one sentence i said brought back the memories, the memories I had been trying to forget.

"Jessy you ok?" The sound of Jade's concerned voice makes me snap back into reality.
"Yeah i just remembered what happened on the train a few years ago." My response makes me feel weak.
"Maybe we shouldn't get on the train we should call a taxi." Jade says as she starts pretending to be my mother.
"No, no we can get the train."
"Well we can't if it's making you think about the explosion." Elis isn't backing me up with the train and the way Luke is right now makes me think, he's thinking a taxi is best.
"Can you stop Jade?"
" ok i will stop." Jade starts to mother Elis instead.
"Just because I keep thinking about the explosion on the train doesn't mean we can't go on the train. Besides, what harm can it do?" I try and sound convincing.
"Nope we calling a taxi." The three of them say at the same time.
They call a taxi and in minutes it's here. The ride is silent and uncomfortable. When the taxi man says we have reached your destination Elis is out of the car even before any of us has our seat belts off! It's the first time in a long time Elis has been in a car since her parents died in a car crash. It was about 4 years ago, when a drunk driver hit them. Elis was in the car as well which made it worse. She hasn't been able to get in a car since as she fears them. Getting in this taxi is the best we've seen her since the crash.
"I thought we were at Elis' house." I say
"Nope, Elis' foster parents are home and we need a quiet place so my house would do." Luke says making me feel special.
Ive never been in Luke's house before, I've seen the front of it and his back garden, but that's it.
He opens his door and we enter. The hall way is big, has a stair case off it and an under stairs cupboard. The nice smell i can smell is from the air freshener thats plugged into the main socket. Off the hall way the biggest lounge I've ever seen! It has three big sofa's, and 34" TV. I had never seen such an amazing site in my entire life! I can see now why every girl loves Luke not just because of his good looks but because he is rich!

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