Heart broken

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"Is your dad drunk?!" I ask after Luke's dad managed to get upstairs.
"Yeah, sorry about him. Ever since what I did to Mikey he wastes money on alcohol and gets drunk everyday. I get used to it though, it used to bother me but not anymore."
"You shouldn't get used to it. You shouldn't have to live with a man who's drunk 24/7." I'm angry at Luke's father as I can't stand fathers who neglect their children.
"You should leave now. I can't have you here when my father is here, it's too dangerous."
"That's ok, I understand."
"Maybe you can come round tomorrow after school?"
"Yeah, I would like."
"Ok." Luke leads me to the front door and waves goodbye to me.

The walk home is long, boring and tiring. Each minute that goes by it gets darker and darker. I hate walking home especially in the dark.

When I get home I go straight to bed. I'm tired and cold and in need of my bed.
The next morning I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock basically about to explode. I turn the alarm off and look at the time. my clock read 8:25am.
"Oh no!! NO!! NO!! NO!!" I rush around trying to get ready for school. At 8:35am I'm finally ready for school. I run to school just in time and go to my lessons.
The first 3 lessons are boring and not important. When the bell rang for break I leaped up and left the classroom, and went to find Elis and Jade. When i found them, Jade was talking with Luke and Elis looked disgusted. Then Mine and Elis' eyes met and Elis tried to wave me off. I didn't know why until I saw Jade kiss Luke. Then fury built up inside me, i wanted to hit them both! I charged over to them ready to beat them when Elis stopped me.
"You player!! You absolute player!! Tell her then! If you're gonna be with her tell her! TELL HER!!!"
"Jessy come on." Luke says
"No!! Don't tell me to come on!! Tell her!!!"
"No I can't!"
"Fine I will! Jade if wanna fall in love with Luke you need to know something!"
"Jessy don't!"
"Luke killed his brother Mikey with a gun after having a fight over the TV remote because he was high!! There you go!!"
"You idiot!!!!" Luke grabs me and ramps me up against the wall.
"Sorry" he let go "why would you say that?! You know what will happen if that gets out!! I will go back and serve 10 years, do you really want that??"
"It doesn't bother me, I'm not your girlfriend!!"
"Well you would like to be, wouldn't you?!" I'm scared stiff "wouldn't you!!!"
"Yes i would!! I would! I really would." A tear rolled down my face "but I can't be, I can't be your girlfriend."
"Jessy come on lets go get food." Elis says as she pulls me away. We go to the café and buy food. We sit down and start eating.
"How much do you hate them?" Elis says breaking the silence.
"I'm gonna kill them. I'm literally gonna kill 'em both with a knife. I mean Luke could of had anyone, anyone in the world, but why Jade? Jade? Jade?"
"By anyone in the world you mean you, right?" Elis says with a confused frown on her face.
"Yes, no, yes, no. I don't know! Umm..... Yes and no?"
"Jessy come on you've had a crush and Luke for how long? 3 years? You left it too long, you should of asked about 2 years ago, then you'd been his. But you've missed your chance, it's time to move on. Forgot about him." Elis insists.
"But how can i forget about him?! He gave me so much to remember! Yes i missed me chance but why Jade?" My anger is about to make me explode.
"I don't know why he choose Jade! I don't know."
"Fine, I'm gonna leave now and hopefully when i come back i will still be here. Goodbye Elis, and tell Luke and Jade they both need a life." I start walking away.
"No! I can't stand it I'm gonna go home and cry until I stop!" I can feel the tears coming, I need to leave, I must leave.

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