The sides

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I walk out the hospital in a rushed manner, trying to escape the clenches of Doctor Zac, Luke and Jade.

I don't wanna sit in the car on the way home with a moany and grumpy Jade, an antagonized Luke and a certain hot yet pestiferous Doctor Zac.

Let me be the first to say, it would be hell AND A HALF!

So my amazing plan was to get the bus. Like any normal person would.

But where i went wrong is here, i thought there would be a bus outside but there wasn't.

So Luke, Jade and Doctor Zac managed to catch me before i got on any mode of transport.

It was kinda funny though. Let me tell you why.

You see as soon as i realized there wasn't any bus, i froze.

Then all of a sudden i hear a high pitched screaming noise coming from behind me. So i turned around to see what it was.

I turned around to have Jade literally jump on me and yelled....
"You're getting anyway this time bitch!"
Luke then jumped on top of Jade and yelled....
"Get off your ass so i get beat you peasant bleeding peasant i tell you. Just wait for it and you'll be back here coz of me!"

Get friends aren't they!

Oh and Doctor Zac joined in by yelling....
"You can't run and you can't hide you dying faggot!"

Am i the only one laughing or what! Hahahahahahaha!!

Okay, to me that's funny.

Maybe not to you, but who cares.

Anyway, because of my failed plan, I'm now sat in the back of Jade's car listening to Luke yelling away to 'We like it loud' by Sleeping with Sirens.

He can't sing... Or yell for that matter.

I, being the only person staring out the window trying to find purpose in my life, see a sign that I instantly recognize.

The sign for home.

I blow my cheeks out in disgust as I try and gather my thoughts for the short life I have left.

"It's going to be intense" I tell myself.

I just hope I can get through it.


When I got out of the car, the world looked different.

Almost motionless.

It took a while for me to understand what it's gonna be like to be normal yet at the same time not normal.

What it's gonna be like without Elis.

After my terrible friendship ending argument about she killing my mum and me killing her parents.

What it's gonna be like with Luke.

After my stupid mouth letting his secret slip out of it like it's absolutely nothing.

What it's gonna be like with Jade.

After I yelled at her that Amelia's death doesn't matter. That she should of died. That it didn't make any difference that she is dead.

What it's gonna be like with me.

After I was diagnosed with cancer.

What it's gonna be like with the school.

After everybody knows every inch of my life. From my cancer to my friends. From my friends to my mum. You name it. They know EVERYTHING.

I don't want to face the almost motionless world again. I just want everything to be over. Like it never happened.

Like it was a mistake.

I just want to die.

I somehow let that slip out of mouth and Doctor Zac gets all over it.

"What Jessy! I'm here to help. Talk to me. What's the matter? Why do you just want to die?" He says rubbing both my shoulders making me incredibly uncomfortable.

"Because I can. And you can't stop me!"  I say maybe a little to harshly.

I push his hands off my shoulders and start walking in the direction of my house.

Leaving behind everything I once had. Everything I no longer deserve.

I pull my keys out of my pocket and start to put them in the key hole.

But something stops me. 

I look down at my feet and feel a painful sorrow hits me.

I feel a tear forming at the back of my eyes.

"I can't go back." I say in a whisper more to myself then anyone else.

Then it happens.

What I have being trying to avoid ever since I've been in hospital.

A tear drop falling.

It's so gracious the way i feel it trickle down my face to then fall to the ground.

But i knew what would happen next.

As i continue to look at my converse a sob breaks out.

I feel my knees weaken. My chest caves in and then out as i struggle for breathe.

"This house." I say in between sobs and loud enough for Jade, Luke and Doctor Zac to hear.

"It's all my mum. I can't go back in there." Then with all my heart devoted i finally let out what i have been wanting to say for a little while.

"Please, take my away. Just away i don't care where." A soft hand is placed gently on my shoulder. I turn my attention from my converse to the hand. Then to the face.

It's Jade. Her face saddened. Tears being stopped from falling.

"It's okay Jessy." She says in a sympathetic voice.

"You promise?" I ask in one whole sentence.

"I promise." She says bringing the slightest of hope back into my life.
"I'm your friend i will always promise."

"But why, after everything I've done to hurt you?" Now in between sobs.

"Because you helped me when i needed help. The least i could do is help you now you need." Jade says letting a tear fall. I pull her in and hug her.

"Thank you." I say.

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