Funeral Part 1

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So I know I did complete this book a long time ago but I feel the need to summarize the book.

I will be doing a few chapters which links the whole book together.

Now, as I killed off Jessy, I will be doing it in a third person view point.

I hope these few chapters help you understand, a little more, the characters.


After Jessy had died Luke, Elis and Jade didn't speak much.

Luke locked himself in his room. Elis went to the park everyday. And Jade visited Amelia's grave the moment she got anytime to herself.

You'd think that losing one of your best friends would bring you closer together. But for Luke, Elis and Jade it ripped them apart.

It's understandable. They've all lost someone, and losing Jessy would just remind them of it.

Jessy was what kept them all together. She was the super glue to a broken friendship.

And as super glue, it keeps things together for a long time.

No matter if Luke, Elis and Jade didn't speak much, they had to speak at some point. They had to plan Jessy's funeral.

It was a Wednesday when everybody had finally decided to talk about it.

They all met at Elis' house. It was full of other kids aging between 2-17 years old.

Luke and Jade entered Elis' small but graceful room. It was kept neat and tidy.

"I haven't been in a clean for a long time." Luke stated. He wasn't his usual self. If he was normal he would have chuckled and made a funny joke about something else. But no. He wasn't going to be normal for a long time.

Luke took a seat on a chair that was facing a dresser. Jade and Elis both sat on the bed. Elis on the pillows. Jade at the end of the bed.

There was an airy silence that hung in the room. Everybody just looked at different things.

But the silence couldn't last forever.

"Right!" Jade broke it. "I know we are all hurting but we need to do this. We cannot disappoint Jessy, practically now she's gone." Jade shuffles on the bed slightly.

"I think the first thing we need to decide is when the funeral should be." Elis says.

Luke turned his head so he could see his reflection in the mirror.

"I agree." He stated as he swallowed hard. Luke had an emotionless facial expression and his voice matched it.

"I'm free for the next 2 months." Jade puts forth her input.

"Luke, what about you?" Elis questioned in an honest tone.

"Same as Jade." Luke says as he stands up and walks towards the window. "This is wrong. How can it be sunny when we're planning our best friends funeral?" A frown forms as his voice wobbles at the best friends funeral bit.

"It's okay, Luke." Jade comes up and rubs his arm for comfort.

Jade glanced over at Elis.

She's flicking pages in her dairy whilst holding a pencil in her mouth. She looks quite stylish with her messy bun and her cute 'rock vodka' top.

"How about..." Elis says as she still flicks through her dairy. "Ha I got it! How about the 17th August?" Her head turns slow in the direction of Luke and Jade.

"I can do that." Stated Luke without even letting his eyes stray off the window.

"Me too." Jade said as she took a seat back on the bed.

She gestures to Elis for her to find out why Luke is numb to emotion.

"Okay. Now we have that past us. What type of service does everyone want?" Elis questioned whilst gesturing for Jade not to answer.

There was another airy silence as everyone thought every hard about that question.

"How about a big one?" Jade shruggs.

"No! Jessy wouldn't want that." Luke corrects Jade.

"How do you know that?" Yet another question from Elis.

A deep frown of anger formed on Luke's face. He continued to stare out the window.

"Yeah, how do you that Luke?" Jade insisted.

A year slowly fell from Luke's eyes as he remembered the painful memory.

"Luke..." Jessy's frail voice spoke. "Never stop loving me. Please, it's what Mikey would..."

Her light went out... For the last time.

"I was there when she died!" Luke spoke with sadness and anger stringed together.

"So were we." Jade said with no added thought.

"I watched her died! You left the room. I was holding her hand. I watched her body slowly fail on her." A few more tears escaped Luke's eyes. He turned away from the window and Elis and Jade got to see a broken boy for the first time.  "I heard her last word and her last breath. She didn't even finish her last sentence." Luke's bottom lip had started to quiver and he slowly fell to the floor. "She said something about Mikey. My brother." The last two words he spat out as he recoiled the memory of years ago.

"Luke, you okay?" Elis and Jade ask in unison.

"I've never told you about my brother. But I told Jessy. She understood. She felt my pain." The reality of Jessy's death seemed to have finally hit Luke, like a big truck full of death type thing. "Look at us. We're talking as if she's been dead for years. It's only been 2 weeks since her death!" More tears fell from Luke's tired looking eyes. He was now on the floor, leaning against the end with his knees tucked into his chest. "I miss her." The last sentence came out in a sensitive tone.

"We all do." Elis stated as she slid off the bed and sat next to Luke.

"Very much." Jade says as she sniffles and gets a tissue.

"But we need to be strong for Jessy. We have to plan the best funeral ever. And it's gonna be special because that's what she was; special." Elis states with a wobbly voice.

"Let's get to work then." Luke said. "For Jessy. We love you." He blow a kiss up to heaven. Jade and Elis copied.

Then they all stood up and got to work.

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