Chapter 1: The Trio

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April X791

Second Person P.O.V

You walk to the Sabertooth guild like any normal day. You've been a member for a couple years after spending most of your life in the isolated mountainous regions of Earthland after you were abandoned by your dragon, Alzora.

Alzora was known as the ruler of the Ice Kingdom and she took you in after you got lost on one dreadful winter night. She taught you everything she knew about Ice Magic, making you the Ice Dragon Slayer.

When Alzora abandoned you, you couldn't cope with the loss, so you spent years wandering around the icy terrains of the world to improve your powers in hopes that Alzora would return, but she never did.

A few years ago, you decided it was time for you to venture out into the world and join a guild. You didn't know many guilds, but the first one you stumbled upon was Sabertooth. Master Jiemma saw potential in your abilities and after you defeated three of his strongest wizards, you earned yourself a spot in the guild.

You weren't aware that there were two other dragon slayers already a part of the guild; Sting Eucliffe and Rogue Cheney. Light and shadows forming the Twin Dragon Slayers. At first, they were weary of your presence, but you became great friends with Sting. The three of you would soon form the Dragon Slayer Trio.

Although you and Sting are as close as brother and sister, Rogue barely even speaks to you, which you hate considering how much you love his voice. It never bothers you much, but you wish he would open up more.

You worrying about Rogue never measured up to how nervous it made you just walking into the guild each day. You always ask yourself if this is how all guilds are. Whenever stepping through those doors, there's nothing but raw tension in the air.

You take a deep breath before approaching the extremely large building with a tiger statue mounted at the top. You're just getting back from a casual stroll through town to pass some time before you have to get to work.

You swing open the guild doors and waltz in to see everyone looking more relaxed than usual which could only mean that Master Jiemma and his daughter, Minerva, aren't around.

You decide that maybe today you'll go on a solo mission, so you walk over to the large request board set up in the far corner of the guild and nod at the passing members.

You stand in front of the board and lean against the metal railing behind you. Sabertooth gets tons of requests a week of all different categories and you're looking for something a little colder than the others.

"Hey, (Y/N)," you hear a smug voice say as an arm is thrown over your shoulders.

"Sting, to what do I owe the pleasure?" you ask sarcastically.

"Your presence is enough, my dear," he jokes. "Are you thinking of taking a job?"

"Yeah," you say.

"Without your partners?" Sting asks in mock horror.

You roll your eyes. "Yes, and I already decided on one," you say, snatching off a flyer from the board.

"Well, Rogue and I are tagging along," he states.

"I don't think you'll like going into the snowy mountains."

"Nonsense! We would love to. Right, Rogue?" Sting asks, turning toward a neutral looking Shadow Dragon Slayer who just lets out a scoff.

"That means yes, so let's go!" Sting cheers, snatching the paper from your hands and sauntering toward the guild doors.

You see Lector and Frosch skipping down the steps and they stop in front of you and Rogue.

"What's going on?" Lector asks.

"The Dragon Slayer Trio is going off on a mission, but I think it's best if you guys stayed here," you answer.

"What? No way!" Lector shouts.

"Okay, fine, but it'll be freezing in the mountains, so bundle up."

Lector pulls the same horrified face Sting had just moments ago. "Never mind. I'd rather not get cold. Plus, if anything goes wrong, Sting can handle it," he says.

You roll your eyes and watch as Rogue leans down and pats Frosch on the head. Frosch has always been your little buddy since joining the guild and you absolutely adore him.

Rogue begins to walk away and you turn around to follow him, but a tug on your ankle stops you. You look down to see Frosch staring up at you with those big eyes.

"Yes, Frosch?" you ask, bending down so you're eye-level with him.

"Please take care of Rogue," he says. This isn't the first time he's asked this of you, but you always tell him the same thing

"With my life."

You pat his head and make your way out the guild doors, catching up with your partners and walking in between the two. It seems as if they were having some type of serious coversation, but you brush it off.

"Are you guys sure you want to come?" you ask, keeping your eyes on the path ahead.

"Yeah, what's the mission anyway?" Sting asks, examining the paper in his hand.

"Vulcans are terrorizing a town near Mt. Hakobe. The vulcans steal food and other supplies from the town then scurry right back to the mountain," you say.

"Mt. Hakobe..." Sting trails off. "Isn't that near Magnolia?"

You think for a moment. "Yeah, and if we run into those Twilight Ogre idiots again, there will be hell to pay."

"That's where Fairy Tail is, too," Sting comments.

"Or what's left of it," Rogue says from your other side.

"Do you think they'll join the Grand Magic Games again in a few months?" you ask. You have nothing against Fairy Tail and you think they're all actually nice.

Last year at the Grand Magic Games, you didn't participate, but you were a reserve member. It was clear that Master Jiemma was having trouble whether to put you on the main team or on reserve, but he eventually chose the latter.

"Not if they don't want to look like complete idiots again," Sting chuckles.

"It's not their fault all their best members disappeared seven years ago," you defend.

Sting doesn't respond and you decide to drop the subject as well. You know about Sting idolizing Fairy Tail's Fire Dragon Slayer, Natsu Dragneel, but his hatred toward the guild never made sense to you.

Rogue, on the other hand, you don't know much about his past. It seems that Sting doesn't know much either. You don't think Rogue likes you that much because he never talks to you and barely even spares you a glance.

The three of you walk through town and watch as people run back into their homes. The Dragon Slayer Trio is know around Fiore as Sabertooth's strongest team. You guys have never done anything terrible to anyone, but people were weary of your powers. Taking down entire dark guilds solo and as a team will do that to your reputation.

You walk to the train station and take a deep breath before climbing inside the death machine. The three of you all have horrible motion sickness, so you opted to have a private cart reserved whenever you went on missions, which was very often.

You each hop into your own section of the cart and simultaneously open the windows. You guys always turn away in different directions so you don't have to look at each other.

The train pulls away from the station and you immediately feel nauseous. You knew this was going to be a long ride.

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