Chapter 2: Polar Mission

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Second Person P.O.V

As the train comes to a stop, you, Sting, and Rogue scramble and shove each other to get off the metal death trap.

"Move!" you screech, elbowing Sting in the ribs and jumping onto the platform.

You take a few steps and put your hands on your knees while trying to catch your breath. You then hear Sting and Rogue flop onto the pavement behind you.

"Damn, (Y/N)! That really hurt!" you hear Sting shout from behind you.

You straighten up with your hands on your hips and watch the two guys stand up.

"Haven't you ever heard of ladies first?" you question.

"Yeah, but there aren't any ladies here," comes his snarky reply.

What surprises you next is when Rogue slaps Sting in the back of the head.

"Hey! What was that for?" Sting asks cluelessly, rubbing his head.

"Stop messing around. We have work to do," Rogue's deep and husky voice answers.

You can't help the chill that runs down your spine. If you didn't know any better, you'd say you had a little crush on Rogue. You shake the thoughts away from your head and turn to lead the way to the mayor's office.

This isn't your first time being in this town considering you've worked all over Fiore, so you knew where you were going.

Sting and Rogue catch up to your sides and you stiffen as Rogue's arm brushes against yours, but you ignore it and continue walking.

It takes you fifteen minutes to arrive at the old building labeled 'Mayor's Office.' You look over to see a perfect view of Mt. Hakobe in the distance with winds swirling the snow around. Even though you're an Ice Dragon Slayer, you still get cold sometimes, but it wasn't too bad.

You take the lead and swing open the large mahogany door. You watch as the familiar receptionist looks up from her paperwork, and once she sees you, she scowls, but it soon turns into a full blown smile once she sees Sting and Rogue.

Last time you had a solo mission here, she gave you a hard time about seeing the mayor and you seriously didn't want to deal with it again.

"Yvette," you greet flatly.

"(Y/N)," she grumbles. "May I help you?"

"We're here to see the mayor," you reply.

"Do you have an appointment?" she asks with a fake smile.

"No, but we're here about the job request."

"Sorry, you have to have an appointment," Yvette smirks.

"Are-" you get cut off and pushed aside, almost bumping into Rogue.

"Listen, we need to get to work and pay our bills, so can we please see the mayor?" Sting asks charmingly.

You roll my eyes as Yvette blushes like some love-sick school girl and nods rapidly, pointing to the staircase. Sting thanks her as you and Rogue waltz up the staircase.

"He never fails to amaze me," you chuckle as Rogue scoffs.

You make it to the mayor's office and knock on the door. You're surprised when you see a young woman almost as tall as Sting and Rogue answer the door.

"Hello," she greets kindly. "How can I help you?"

"We're here to see the mayor," you say.

"My father is right in here. My name's Zenia, by the way," she introduces herself and opens the door for the three of you to step through.

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