Chapter 19: Day Four

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Your P.O.V

"Are you sure you'll be okay today?" I whisper to Rogue.

"Yeah, don't worry. I'll uphold Sabertooth's hardcore reputation and pound those fairies into the ground," he replies.

"Good." I fake a smile at that, not wanting to let on that I don't want this battle to happen. Rogue frowns at me, seeing straight through my acting.

"Are you okay?" he asks softly.

"Of course I am," I answer with the most sincerity I can muster.

Rogue seems to take my words into consideration and slowly nods his head. I stand on my toes to delicately plant a kiss on his smooth lips.

We break a part and I lean my body against his as we walk onto the team's balcony. The games have already started and I asked Rogue to talk in private while they explained the next event.

"Wish me luck," Minerva says, teleporting herself onto the field.

The next event is the naval battle where participants will swim inside a floating sphere of water while attempting to knock each other out.


Mermaid Heel: Risley Law

Blue Pegasus: Jenny Realight

Fairy Tail A: Lucy Heartfilia

Fairy Tail B: Juvia Lockser

Lamia Scale: Sherria Blendy

Sabertooth: Minerva Orland

Quatro Puppy: Rocker

We watch as a huge ball of water descends from the sky and all the contestants change into swim suits. Skimpy bikinis. I find it funny how the women of Sabertooth seem to be the only wizards with any self respect.

I realize how the male audience is drooling over the barely clothed females and take a quick glance up at Rogue to see him with his eyes focused on me. He has a tiny smirk playing on his face as if he already knew what I was thinking.

I turn my attention back to the event and watch as many people are kicked out of the sphere left and right. The Heartfilia girl is the only one left and she's having a tough time trying to go against Minerva. I look closely at Minerva and the malevolence that seems to radiate from her body. I know this all too well that she's turning into the evil wizard everyone thinks she is instead of the girl I've come to know as my friend.

Minerva beats Lucy left and right without mercy. I know Minerva could easily throw her out of the circle if she wanted to, but that's the point. She doesn't.

Lucy is struggling to defend herself without the keys Minerva stole, and soon, the time runs out. Minerva throws Lucy from the sphere and she goes plummeting to the ground. My eyes widen as her lifeless body falls like a mistle toward the dusty plains of the battle field. Luckily, Natsu and the guy Gajeel himself compares me to, Gray, catch her just in time.


1st: Minerva Orland

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