Chapter 8: Reunion of Slayers

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Your P.O.V

I walk through Oak Town utterly confused. Rogue always gives me the cold shoulder, but then he says he was jealous of the guy that was flirting with me?

I think back for a moment when we were on our last mission together and he was with that girl Zenia. I remember how much I realized I liked him at that moment and maybe he had the same reaction at the cafe.

But does this really change anything? He didn't exactly say he liked me, but it sure sounded like it. What's going to happen when we see each other again?

I shake the thoughts from my head as the old Phantom Lord guild comes into view. Yes, Phantom Lord. My training partner suggested we use the building as a base while we're both here.

I let a smile play on my lips as I see the infamous Gajeel Redfox leaning against the outside of the guild, glaring at every person that walks by. I also notice that a certain exceed is with him. Gajeel told me all about Pantherlily and I even talked to him once or twice.

I approach the two and Gajeel raises an eyebrow that morphs into realization. I know I'm older now and probably look a lot different.

"(Y/N)?" he questions.

"The one and only," I smile.

Gajeel pushes off the building and unexpectedly pulls me into a hug. I wrap my arms around his torso and let out a chuckle.

"You've grown up so much, kiddo," he says.

"I wish I could say the same about you," I reply as we break apart.

I look down to see a shocked look on Lily's face and I know why; no one ever sees this side of Gajeel. He's always been afraid to let people in, but thankfully he never shut me out.

"Hi, Lily," I greet.

"It's so nice to finally meet you, (Y/N)," Lily says.

"Same to you."

"Alright. Let's get inside," Gajeel says, turning toward the doors of the guild and whips out a key to unlock the padlock.

He pushes open the doors and walks inside. Everything looks a little vintage, but it's the typical dark guild with basic colors plastered on all the walls and furniture. I'm actually surprised at how good the condition of everything is considering its been almost a decade since being abandoned. Gajeel told me he's used it a few times, so he probably kept it clean; he was always such a neat freak.

Gajeel strides into the building and flips on a few light switches. He motions for me to follow them upstairs and flings open one of the doors.

"We're leaving in ten minutes," he announces, leaving me in the doorway as he goes to his own room with Pantherlily.

The two of us agreed that we'll do regular training for the rest of this month, then we'll do hardcore training and camp out in the mountains in June.

I scan the room and it's nothing special; a bed, a dresser, and a bathroom. I throw my duffle onto the bed and quickly change into a pair of workout clothes.

I have to say, I'm glad Master Jiemma announced the participants for Grand Magic Games today. I knew he was going to do it any day and Gajeel said he was leaving today to do his training, so I told him I'll meet up with him if I knew for sure I got picked, although I probably would've trained with him anyway.

I grab a water bottle, walk out the bedroom, and meet up with Gajeel and Lily at the bottom of the stairs. We then start off on our long hike into the mountains.

We make it to a part of the mountains with a smooth terrain and a breathtaking view of the treetops. We set down our water bottles and begin stretching.

"So, how was it?" I ask.

"How was what?" Gajeel questions.

"Being trapped in a spell for seven years."

"It didn't really feel that different," he pauses. "How's Sabertooth? We've heard some things about you guys."

I sigh. "Sabertooth is...different. It's all about power in the guild."

"Sounds like Phantom Lord," Gajeel comments.

"We're not that bad. I do have some pretty greats friends," I smile softly at the thought of my team.

Gajeel raises a studded eyebrow. "A boy?"

My eyes widen and I feel the blood rush to me cheeks. "What? Boy? What type of anatomy is that anyway?" I ramble.

"So it is a boy?" he asks.

"Yes," I grumble. "Well, sort of. More like two boys."

"Two boys?!" he shouts incredulously.

I facepalm myself. "Not like that, pervert. They're my team, but I kind of like one of them."

Damn, if Sting is like my brother, Gajeel is like my overprotective father.

"I never thought I'd see the day that (Y/N) (L/N) had a little crush," he smirks.

"What about you and Levy?!" I retort defensively.

Gajeel chokes on air. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Uh huh. You can deny it all you want, but I know you have a thing for her."

"Whatever. Let's just get to work," he says.

I laugh and realize Lily has been watching us interact with open curiosity. I've already noticed I'm more relaxed around Gajeel than I am around Sting and Rogue; probably because we just get each other.

I don't know what Gajeel would do if I told him the truth about Sabertooth, but I can see him wanting to destroy everyone. I don't want to get him involved with my guild when we have more important matters to deal with.

"How were the games last year?" Gajeel asks while we both start doing pushups.

"It was fun. Sabertooth blew everyone away by crushing the whole competition."

"Don't expect that to happen this year."

"I don't know. I'm participating this year, and with the Dragon Slayer Trio, I doubt you guys can beat us," I smirk.

"Dragon Slayer Trio?" he questions.

"That's my team."

"Well, we have four dragon slayers in Fairy Tail, if you've forgotten."

"I haven't, but we're a coordinated team. You don't even like Natsu or Laxus; or so you say," I reply.

Gajeels scoffs. "I don't, but we can still kick ass together."

I smirk. "We'll see about that."

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